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Russian Military Loses Another Expensive Toy to Ukraine’s Precision Strikes

Ukrainian forces targeted and struck a newly deployed Russian 1K148 Yastreb-AV counter-battery radar system just hours after the Russian defense ministry proudly announced its deployment in Ukraine. 

The $250 million radar system was designed to detect the trajectory of incoming artillery and identify the point of origin for munitions.

A Brief Triumph and Swift Reckoning on the Battlefield

The Russian military had showcased the Yastreb-AV as a modern and highly capable system, emphasizing its recent testing in late 2021 or early 2022. However, the effectiveness of the system was short-lived, as Ukrainian Special Operations Forces discovered it during a reconnaissance mission.

Using a US-made High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), Ukrainian forces fired munitions at the exposed Yastreb-AV, resulting in its destruction by fire damage. A video of the strike was subsequently published by Kyiv on various social media channels, showcasing the precise and effective hit on the expensive radar system.

Business Insider, while unable to independently verify Ukraine’s claim of destroying the Yastreb-AV, noted that the video strongly suggested significant damage to the radar system. The footage captured someone fleeing the scene as the Yastreb-AV smoldered, adding credibility to the Ukrainian forces’ success.

Counter-battery radar systems, such as the Yastreb-AV, have played a crucial role in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, enabling both sides to detect incoming projectiles and swiftly pinpoint their origin. Russia has heavily relied on its Zoopark-1M radar, which, due to its active electromagnetic signature, has become a vulnerable target. 

Read more: Putin’s New Year Message: Celebrating Russian Unity Amidst Ukraine Conflict

Russian Defense Infrastructure Strained

Ukrainian forces targeted and struck a newly deployed Russian 1K148 Yastreb-AV counter-battery radar system just hours after the Russian defense ministry proudly announced its deployment in Ukraine.

Ukrainian forces have effectively targeted and destroyed these critical radars, contributing to a reported shortage of such systems within the Russian military.

The significance of counter-battery systems was highlighted by the Russian defense ministry and state media just before the loss of the Yastreb-AV. These systems, coupled with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), enhance the effectiveness of artillery fire and improve survivability on the battlefield.

While the strike on the Yastreb-AV did not coincide with major battlefield movements, Tuesday witnessed a large-scale missile and drone attack by Russian forces on military and civilian targets across Ukraine, resulting in casualties and injuries. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reported that Russia had fired approximately 500 missiles and drones in recent days, including both cruise and ballistic missiles, and explosive one-way attack drones. 

Despite the intensity of the attacks, many of these projectiles were successfully intercepted and shot down by Ukrainian defenses.

Read more: President Biden Greenlights Last $250 Million Aid Package For Ukraine Amid Congressional Funding Hurdles

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