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Man convicted of murder and sexual assault in the Venice Canal given life sentence

A homeless man has been condemned to life in jail for viciously attacking and raping two women in the Venice Canals earlier this year; one of the victims passed away from her injuries.

Anthony Francisco Jones, 30, will be incarcerated for the remainder of his life without the chance of parole, according to a statement made by Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón on Friday.

On April 6, in the Los Angeles neighbourhood of Venice Canals, Jones sexually attacked Sarah Alden, 53, and Mary Klein, 54.

Alden passed away a few weeks after the incident due to her severe injuries, which led to the declaration of brain death and the final removal of life support.

While this was going on, Klein had severe injuries to her face and chest; pictures taken from her hospital bed revealed her body was bloated and covered in bruises.

Security footage that evening showed Jones—who authorities said was homeless—walking close to the canals while brandishing a spirits bottle that detectives claimed was used in the assaults. A thorough search led to his arrest a few days later.

Jones entered a plea of not guilty to charges involving the murder, coerced rape, and torture of the two victims. Additionally, he acknowledged to specific accusations made by Gascón that he killed Alden while raping the victims and kidnapped them.

In addition to his life sentence, he was also given a term that included more than 100 years in state prison.

In addition to labelling the attacks “vile” and “brutal,” Gascón stated that his office made a concerted effort to bring individuals impacted by the crimes to justice.

“Our hearts go out to the victim, the survivor, their families, and the Venice community. The pain and loss experienced by these individuals and their loved ones is horrific, and we extend our deepest empathy and compassion to them during this incredibly difficult time,” Gascón said.

The Los Angeles Police Department conducted an investigation into the case.

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