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Man executed victim because of ‘suspicious’ hoodie: Cops

The weather was “nice,” so the Minnesota man observed another man in a hoodie and got suspicious. He then allegedly pulled a revolver from his fanny pack and killed the man.

Jason Jerrell Herron IV, better known as William Howard Sanders IV, is accused of second-degree murder in the passing of De’Jaun Marquise Michael Hall, a 24-year-old. On September 3, at around 7 p.m., an incident took place in Minneapolis near the intersection of 1st Avenue South and East 19th Street. According to a press release from the police, Sanders and Hall got into a fight when they were in a group of roughly ten people.

An arrest document for probable cause states that the incident was caught on security footage. It depicts Hall, 38, and Sanders fighting. The affidavit stated that after Sanders takes out what seems to be a revolver from his fanny pack that was slung over his shoulder, Hall flees and circles around a parked automobile. Hall is said to have fallen to the ground when Sanders shot him in the back after reportedly following the victim around the automobile.

“Defendant then slowly walked up to victim who was on his back with empty hands raised in the air,” detectives wrote. “Defendant then stood over victim, pointed his firearm at victim’s head and fired two more shots at the victim before slowly walking away from the scene.”

Sanders was taken into custody by police on Thursday at a hotel. He is currently being held without bond at the Hennepin County Jail. Sanders is said to have acknowledged shooting Hall after Miranda. Sanders first claimed that he was high on PCP and was not sure of his thoughts. Subsequently, he supposedly stated that Sanders was threatening him and his family, so he shot Hall in self-defence. In the end, he claimed that even though he didn’t see anybody else carrying a pistol, Hall’s “hooded sweatshirt on a nice day” made him “suspicious,” according to the affidavit.

According to the affidavit, Sanders’ car, which had a 9 mm handgun and the fanny pack seen in the video, was also found by detectives.

Hall was shot three times, according to the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office, which declared the death to be a homicide.

Given that the area is known to be troublesome, Minneapolis police Chief Brian O’Hara voiced disappointment over the incident.

“It’s frustrating because this is a location that we know has been problematic in the past. We do have a police presence here. It’s frustrating knowing that we can’t prevent everything,” O’Hara said in a statement. “We’re here to try and speak on behalf of those that can no longer speak for themselves.”

A 27-year-old woman was also taken into custody by police for allegedly assisting Sanders in avoiding arrest.

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