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US Military Strikes Back in Response to Lethal Drone Attack on Jordanian Installation

The United States launched strikes on Friday against militants supported by Iran and Iranian military targets in Iraq and Syria, marking a dramatic uptick in Middle East tensions.

The military action was in response to a drone strike on an American base in Jordan the previous Sunday, resulting in the tragic death of three U.S. service members and numerous injuries to others.

Retaliation for Jordanian Base Attack

The drone attack targeted the Tower 22 base near Jordan’s border with Iraq and Syria, leading to the decision by the US to retaliate against Iran-backed militants believed to be responsible for the assault. 

The US accused Iran of funding and arming the militants, allegations that Iran has vehemently denied.

President Joe Biden swiftly warned of a forceful response, marking an escalation in US involvement in the region after efforts to contain tensions. The Department of Defense began an early battle damage assessment, expressing confidence in the success of the strikes.

“The initial indications are that we hit exactly what we meant to hit, with a number of secondary explosions associated with the ammunition and logistics locations,” reported Lt. Gen. Douglas Sims, the director of the Joint Chiefs.

The strikes, executed within a 30-minute timeframe, involved over 125 precision-guided munitions. The targeted facilities included command and control centers, intelligence centers, rocket missile and drone storage facilities, and logistics ammunition supply chain facilities.

The selection of targets aimed to avoid civilian casualties and disable elements connected to attacks against US service members.

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Precision US Military Strikes and Targeted Facilities

The United States launched strikes on Friday against militants supported by Iran and Iranian military targets in Iraq and Syria, marking a dramatic uptick in Middle East tensions.

As of now, US officials cannot confirm the number of militants killed or wounded in the strikes. The Iraqi city of Al-Qa’im, along with other areas near the Iraqi-Syrian border, has also been subjected to US airstrikes. 

The Iraqi Armed Forces condemned the strikes, considering them a violation of Iraqi sovereignty and a threat to regional security and stability.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stated that these strikes were the beginning of the US response. President Biden affirmed that additional actions would be taken to hold the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated militias accountable for their attacks on US and Coalition Forces.

While emphasizing a reluctance for conflict in the Middle East, both President Biden and Defense Secretary Austin emphasized the commitment to defending US interests. 

President Biden concluded, “The United States does not seek conflict in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world. But let all those who might seek to do us harm know this: If you harm an American, we will respond.”

The situation remains fluid, with the US indicating that further actions will unfold at times and places of their choosing.

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