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Israel Attack: Pregnant Woman Faces Agony as Husband Is Taken by Hamas

In an emotionally charged plea for justice, Michal Lobanov, a 28-year-old pregnant mother, has opened up about the agony she faces as her husband remains in the hands of Hamas after being kidnapped during a desert rave near Re’im.

Alexander Lobanov, 32, was running his bar business when the festival was stormed by Hamas militants on October 7, turning what should have been a joyous time for the Lobanov family into an unrelenting nightmare.

Tragedy Strikes

The Lobanovs, who met while working at a restaurant in 2013, enjoyed eight blissful years together, culminating in a perfect seaside wedding in Ashdod, southern Israel. 

They had a son, Tom, in 2013, and were eagerly anticipating the arrival of their second child in March. However, tragedy struck when Alexander was abducted by Hamas during the festival, leaving Michal and their two-year-old son alone and grappling with the uncertainties of the future.

For 18 agonizing days, Michal Lobanov waited, hoping for her husband’s safe return. When confirmation of his kidnapping finally came, she expressed a mix of emotions, including relief and an overwhelming sense of hatred toward the terrorist organization responsible. 

Living in Ashkelon, just 10 miles from Gaza, Michal is constantly reminded of the harsh conditions her husband may be enduring.

Michal, staying with her parents since October 7, struggles to explain the situation to her young son, who continues to ask for his father. The imminent birth of their second child has transformed what should have been a joyous pregnancy into a profoundly sad experience.

Michal, despite the circumstances, remains determined to welcome their new baby with love and optimism.

Michal Lobanov is not only advocating for her family’s plight but is also highlighting the predicament faced by other men still held captive.

She emphasizes that the pain experienced by these men is just as significant and urges the international community to remember them in their efforts to secure freedom for those abducted.

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Michal’s Determination Amidst Anger and Hatred for Hamas

In an emotionally charged plea for justice, Michal Lobanov, a 28-year-old pregnant mother, has opened up about the agony she faces as her husband remains in the hands of Hamas after being kidnapped during a desert rave near Re’im.

While grappling with depression and loneliness, Michal admits to feeling anger and hatred toward Hamas for the pain they have inflicted on her family. 

Despite these emotions, her primary focus is on seeing her husband return home safely. She believes in Alexander’s strength and resilience, driven by his love for their children and the determination to reunite with his family.

Michal Lobanov’s plea for justice takes the form of a poignant photo, displaying her baby bump with the words ‘Come back dad’ written over it. 

Her fear is that her husband might be the last one to be released, emphasizing the urgency of addressing the plight of all captives.

As Michal Lobanov endures the heart-wrenching wait for her husband’s return, her story serves as a powerful reminder of the human cost of conflicts involving terrorist organizations. 

The international community is called upon not only to prioritize the release of women and children but also to address the suffering of men held captive. 

In the midst of despair, Michal clings to hope, expressing her unwavering belief that her husband will come back and be present for the naming of their soon-to-be-born child.

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