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FDA Alert: High Lead Levels Found in Cinnamon Used by Plant Linked to Contaminated Fruit Pouches

A disturbing revelation has emerged as FDA inspectors detected extremely high levels of lead in cinnamon at an Ecuadorian plant linked to the production of applesauce pouches that have been causing illnesses in American children. 

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated the findings on Monday, shedding light on a potential health crisis associated with contaminated cinnamon.

Applesauce Pouches, Prompting Health Concerns

The FDA reported that cinnamon samples from the Ecuadorian plant Negasmart displayed lead levels more than 2,000 times higher than the maximum level proposed by the agency. 

The cinnamon supplied by Negasmart was used in applesauce pouches manufactured by Austrofoods, sold under the brands WanaBana, Schnucks, and Weis. The contaminated pouches have been linked to dozens of illnesses in children across the United States.

The FDA has initiated a recall of the affected applesauce pouches, emphasizing that lead has not been detected in any products made without cinnamon and sold in the US.  

The contamination has raised serious health concerns, with at least 125 children from 22 states possibly affected by lead poisoning since late October, as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

The FDA, using a different reporting method, has counted at least 65 children ages six and younger sickened in 27 states. The FDA is actively investigating the source and cause of the cinnamon contamination. 

Jim Jones, head of the agency’s human foods program, stated in an interview with Politico that the lead contamination appears to be “an intentional act.” 

One explored theory is that the cinnamon may have been contaminated for economic reasons, possibly to enhance its value. Compounds such as red brick, red lead salt, lead oxide, and lead chromate, which mimic cinnamon’s red color, have been known to be added to spices for economic gain.

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FDA Raises Alarm

A disturbing revelation has emerged as FDA inspectors detected “extremely high” levels of lead in cinnamon at an Ecuadorian plant linked to the production of applesauce pouches that have been causing illnesses in American children.

Tests conducted on affected children revealed blood lead readings up to eight times higher than the reference level, which raises concern. Additionally, samples of the applesauce puree showed lead contamination more than 200 times higher than the FDA allows. 

The long-term health effects from lead exposure in children can be severe, affecting cognitive development and overall well-being.The lead contamination scandal involving cinnamon in applesauce pouches has raised significant concerns about food safety and regulatory oversight. 

As investigations continue, the focus remains on identifying the responsible parties and preventing similar incidents in the future. 

The impact on affected children’s health underscores the importance of stringent quality control measures in the food production chain to safeguard public health and well-being.

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