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Wrist Savior: How Your Apple Watch Can Be Your Secret Weapon at Restaurants

Dining out with friends or family can be a joy, but the inevitable challenge of calculating tips and splitting the bill can add a touch of stress. 

Fear not! Your Apple Watch can be your discreet companion in navigating this common dilemma. Here’s a handy guide to leverage your Apple Watch for quick and easy tip calculations and bill-splitting.

Utilizing Your Apple Watch

For an Apple Watch running watchOS 10, follow these steps:

  • Open the calculator app on your Apple Watch.
  • Enter the total amount of the bill before the tip (e.g., $40).
  • Press the ‘Tip’ button, and it will automatically calculate a default 20% tip ($8 in this case).
  • Adjust the tip percentage from 1%-100% by turning the digital crown to your desired percentage.
  • Your Apple Watch will display both the tip amount and the total bill, including the tip (e.g., $48).

Now, you have the flexibility to tip more or less based on your preference, making the process smoother and aligning with your tipping philosophy.

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Calculating Tips and Splitting Bills on Your Apple Watch

Dining out with friends or family can be a joy, but the inevitable challenge of calculating tips and splitting the bill can add a touch of stress.

For an Apple Watch running watchOS 10, follow these steps:

  • Open the calculator app on your Apple Watch.
  • Enter the total amount of the bill before the tip (e.g., $125.43).
  • Press the ‘Tip’ button to calculate a default 20% tip ($25.09).
  • Adjust the tip percentage by turning the digital crown if needed.
  • Press ‘People’ and use the digital crown to set the number of people splitting the bill (e.g., four people).
  • The display will show the amount each person should pay, making it easy to split the bill equally (e.g., $37.63 per person).

While this feature might not be available in all regions, and your dining companions may not always opt for an even split, having this trick up your sleeve can streamline the process and save time.

Ease of Use: The Apple Watch continues to offer convenient solutions for everyday tasks, including dining-related calculations.

Flexibility: Adjust tip percentages and split bills according to your preferences, making it a versatile tool.

Efficiency: With just a few taps and twists of the digital crown, you can discreetly handle tipping and bill-splitting tasks on your wrist.

The Apple Watch emerges as a game-changer in simplifying and enhancing the dining experience. 

Its ease of use, flexibility, and efficiency make it a valuable tool for those who appreciate the seamless integration of technology into their daily lives. 

So, the next time you find yourself at a restaurant, let your Apple Watch do the math for you, freeing you from the stress of tips and bills and enabling you to fully savor the joys of dining out.

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