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Border Politics Block Aid: Senate Immigration Stalemate Delays Critical Support for Ukraine

As the clock ticks down to the Senate year-end adjournment, the top negotiators on an immigration deal have issued cautionary statements, raising concerns about the possibility of reaching an agreement before the scheduled recess. 

Senators James Lankford (R-Okla.) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) are leading the negotiations but acknowledge the challenging timeframe, potentially jeopardizing President Joe Biden’s aid package for Ukraine and Israel.

Negotiations Stall as Time Runs Out

Lankford, representing Republicans in the negotiations, expressed belief in ongoing progress but warned that each passing day without a deal complicates the situation further. 

In an interview, he stated, “There’s no way to get it done this week,” raising the prospect of the debate spilling into early January. Murphy, leading the discussions for Democrats, voiced frustration with what he deemed extreme and implausible GOP demands. 

Despite the limited time, he suggested a potential path forward if Republicans adjust their approach to align with bipartisan congressional support. The urgency is amplified by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s scheduled visit to Capitol Hill to meet with senators and Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.). 

Johnson supports GOP demands to link Ukraine aid with stricter immigration and asylum laws. However, some senators questioned the purpose of Zelenskyy’s visit in the midst of domestic negotiations.

The recent Senate filibuster of a bill providing aid to Ukraine and Israel underscored the divisive nature of the issue.  The failed vote reignited negotiations between Murphy, Lankford, and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.), but as of now, no breakthrough has been reported.

The sticking points in the negotiations revolve around GOP demands to curtail presidential powers related to “parole” for admitting asylum-seekers temporarily. 

Democrats are willing to make concessions on asylum rules but are wary of proposals that might lead to mass detentions and deportations, considering them cruel.

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Senate Stalemate: Immigration Crisis Delays Critical Aid for Ukraine

As the clock ticks down to the Senate’s year-end adjournment, the top negotiators on an immigration deal have issued cautionary statements, raising concerns about the possibility of reaching an agreement before the scheduled recess.

With the House and Senate scheduled to leave for the holidays in just three days, time is running out to resolve these complex issues.  While there’s potential for a deal in the Democratic-led Senate, passing it in the Republican-controlled House remains uncertain due to conservative hard-liners’ opposition.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) urged Congress to stay in town until a deal is reached, emphasizing concerns about Ukraine’s ability to defend itself against Russia.  However, whether the House would be willing to stay and process an agreement is uncertain.

As the debate intensifies and the deadline looms, the fate of the immigration deal and the associated aid packages for Ukraine and Israel hangs in the balance, leaving senators grappling with complex issues against the backdrop of a tight schedule and potential political hurdles.

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