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Air Canada Incident: Disabled Passenger’s Ventilator Disconnected, Mobility Lift Dropped

An undercover investigation revealed the distressing journey of Alessia Di Virgilio, a disabled Air Canada passenger, from Toronto to Charlottetown.

Di Virgilio, reliant on a specialized powered wheelchair and a ventilator, endured a nightmare involving disconnections of her life-sustaining ventilator and a mobility lift accident.

Air Canada Travel Nightmare

Virgilio’s travels, documented by a Canadian news outlet through hidden cameras, revealed distressing incidents. Despite needing specialized assistance, Di Virgilio faced challenges at every step. 

She had to assert her right to board ahead of first-class passengers and endure the undignified process of being transferred from her wheelchair to the aircraft seat using a lift, attracting unwanted attention from fellow travelers.

The situation escalated on her return flight, as no lift was available in Charlottetown. Instead, she was transferred into a narrow wheelchair in the rain, where her ventilator became disconnected multiple times. The footage captured the horrific moment when a staff-operated lift tipped over, injuring her head upon landing in Toronto.

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Airline Failures Exposed

An undercover investigation revealed the distressing journey of Alessia Di Virgilio, a disabled Air Canada passenger, from Toronto to Charlottetown.


Di Virgilio’s account echoes another recent incident involving Rodney Hodgins, a wheelchair user who faced distressing treatment by Air Canada staff. These disturbing accounts highlight the airline’s significant failures in catering to the needs of disabled passengers.

The repercussions of such traumatic experiences extend beyond physical harm, impacting passengers’ emotional well-being. Di Virgilio expressed the toll this took, emphasizing the emotional and physical strain endured while navigating through bureaucracy and enduring humiliating situations.

Following public outcry, Canada’s transport minister, Pablo Rodriguez, responded, vowing discussions with the airline about these unacceptable incidents. Air Canada, despite a promise of respect and dignity on its Accessibility Services page, remained silent initially on Di Virgilio’s case.

As these incidents come to light, they raise crucial questions about airline responsibility, accessibility, and the treatment of disabled passengers. The call for accountability and systemic change to ensure equal treatment and respect for all passengers, regardless of their abilities, remains paramount.

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