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Amazon Employee’s Joke Sparks Violent Clash Resulting in Box Cutter Attack

An incident at an Amazon warehouse in Las Vegas turned dark when an altercation over a seemingly innocuous joke led to a shocking act of violence. 

Kenneth Durhal, an Amazon employee, allegedly attempted to kill a coworker using a box cutter during their lunch break, resulting in his arrest by the Las Vegas Police.

Amazon Warehouse Horror

The incident unfolded on the evening of October 12, around 8:30 p.m., as the victim and Durhal enjoyed a meal with their colleagues. What should have been a simple exchange of humor turned volatile when the victim cracked a joke that deeply offended Durhal.

In response to the joke, Durhal asked the victim to accompany him to the locker room for a private conversation. Shockingly, it was there that Durhal allegedly retrieved a box cutter from his locker. The locker room and bathroom were adjacent, and a heated argument ensued within these confined walls.

The victim claimed that Durhal brandished the box cutter during the dispute and viciously attacked him, inflicting lacerations on his neck and head. 

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Legal Proceedings and Ongoing Consequences

An incident at an Amazon warehouse in Las Vegas turned dark when an altercation over a seemingly innocuous joke led to a shocking act of violence.


In self-defense, the victim pushed Durhal and even resorted to punching him. However, Durhal responded with a menacing headlock, threatening the victim’s life and uttering chilling words, I’m going to end this fool.

A vigilant bystander intervened, preventing Durhal from taking the confrontation outside and ensuring they remained on-site until the police arrived. Subsequently, investigators gathered video surveillance footage and other evidence from the scene. Kenneth Durhal was arrested at his residence the following day without further incident.

During the subsequent police interview, Durhal denied having a box cutter during the altercation, claiming that he had only retrieved his wallet and phone charger from his locker. Detectives, however, noted inconsistencies in Durhal’s story.

Kenneth Durhal is slated to appear in Clark County Justice Court on October 31 for a preliminary hearing and has been ordered to maintain a distance from the victim. This alarming incident serves as a grim reminder of the potential for violence lurking in unexpected places, even within the confines of a workplace.

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