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Prospective Student Takes Legal Action Over Alleged Sexual Assault at Virginia Military Institute’s Open House

A prospective student attending an overnight open house at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) in 2021 has filed a lawsuit, alleging sexual assault by a cadet during her visit. 

The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court in Lynchburg and claims that the assault took place on September 18, 2021, during the two-day open house event.

Virginia Allegations of a Dangerous Environment

The woman, identified as Jane Doe in court records, was a high school student interested in attending VMI, the nation’s oldest state-supported military college. She was assigned a cadet host with whom she shared a room during the open house event, according to The Roanoke Times.

The lawsuit also alleges that the environment in which Jane Doe stayed was dangerous due to VMI’s deliberate indifference to campus safety and Title IX protections. Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sexual discrimination against students, prospective students, and employees of public schools.

Following the alleged assault, Jane Doe and her family reported the incident to VMI Police and the matter was turned over to the school’s Title IX coordinator. However, the lawsuit claims that VMI mishandled Doe’s complaint through the Title IX process and failed to maintain a safe campus as required by federal law.

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Legal Action Seeks Injunction and Potential Damages

A prospective student attending an overnight open house at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) in 2021 has filed a lawsuit, alleging sexual assault by a cadet during her visit.


Furthermore, the lawsuit accuses VMI and its board of visitors of violating Title IX and not adequately informing the student and her family of their rights under the law or providing written statements of the investigation’s findings.

The suit seeks a federal judge’s injunction requiring VMI to adhere to all Title IX requirements but does not specify a requested amount of damages. 

Additionally, the lawsuit alleges that Jane Doe chose not to apply to VMI and suffered economic and emotional harm due to the school’s handling of her case.

VMI and their representatives have declined to comment on the ongoing case, citing their policy of not discussing pending litigation. In 2021, a state-sanctioned report highlighted VMI’s failure to address institutional racism and sexism, emphasizing the need for accountability and necessary reforms.

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