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Heatwave Alert: September Scorcher Lasting Up to Six Days

As students throughout the United Kingdom prepare to return to school for the start of the new academic year, nature is surprised. 

A late-summer heatwave is expected to blanket the nation, bringing temperatures as high as 32 degrees Celsius.

Students Return to School Amidst Scorching Temperatures

Those who have longed for an extended taste of summer will find this forecast a pleasant surprise. 

The weather experts are predicting a last dose of summer as warm spells are forecast to reach 30 degrees Celsius on Tuesday and 32 degrees Celsius on Wednesday and Thursday in central and southern England.

Given July’s rainy conditions in the United Kingdom and August’s combination of sunshine and rain, many people will likely welcome this unexpected burst of warmth and sunshine. 

During the first weekend of September, beachgoers have already grasped the opportunity to bask in the sun, taking advantage of the warm weather. 

People have assembled in outdoor locations such as Boscombe in Dorset and Hyde Park in London to take advantage of the warm temperatures and clear skies.

Met Office meteorologist Jonathan Vautrey commented on the significance of this late summer inferno, noting that the United Kingdom has not experienced temperatures of 30 degrees Celsius since July 7. 

Even 32-degree temperatures have yet to be reached since the end of June. This burst of warmth may be a bit late in the season, but it’s a welcome change for many, although it coincides with the return to school for thousands of children in England and Wales as their six-week summer holiday ends.

While the late-summer heatwave may bring pleasure to sunbathers, Vautrey issued a warning. With temperatures predicted to be 10 degrees Celsius above the average for September, vulnerable individuals face health hazards.

Since UV levels are expected to be moderate to high, he emphasized the importance of hydrating and applying sunscreen.

The Met Office establishes specific criteria that must be met for warm weather to be classified as a heatwave.

Temperatures must remain elevated for three consecutive days, with 25 degrees Celsius or higher thresholds or 28 degrees Celsius or higher in tropical regions. 

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High Pressure in Europe, Hot Temperatures in Southern England

As students throughout the United Kingdom prepare to return to school for the start of the new academic year, nature has a surprise.


This weather phenomenon results from balmy air flowing from Europe due to the continent’s high pressure, while the Atlantic is dominated by low pressure.

This late-summer heatwave will be felt most strongly in southern England, including London. On Tuesday, Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, and the Bristol Channel will experience the hottest temperatures, followed by Berkshire and the southern Midlands later in the week.

As the temperature rises to 29 degrees Celsius in the south of England and 28 degrees Celsius in Wales on Monday, it is evident that summer is determined to extend its stay in the United Kingdom. 

Temperatures are forecast to reach approximately 25 degrees Celsius in Scotland and 23 degrees Celsius in Northern Ireland, where students have already returned to school.

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