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Tech Industry Faces Layoffs and A.I. Transformation

Over the past year and a half, the IT industry has been hit hard by layoffs, with a staggering 386,000 employees losing their jobs.

This has undoubtedly been a challenging time for the affected workers, as well as for the industry as a whole.

ChatGPT: The Driving Force beBehindI Enthusiasm

However, amidst this gloomy scenario, there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon, thanks to the rising prominence of artificial intelligence (AI) businesses.

One such company making waves in the AI sector is Lindy, led by its enthusiastic CEO, Flo Crivello. 

With over a decade of experience in the tech hub of San Francisco, Crivello has never witnessed such a surge of energy and excitement in the tech community. 

He recalls the previous mobile boom, but this new wave of enthusiasm surrounding AI is on a whole different level.

What’s driving this newfound passion and optimism in the IT sector? The answer, according to Crivello, is ChatGPT.

A groundbreaking startup that has been the talk of the town. ChatGPT is a generative AI technology that has captured the imagination of people from all walks of life. 

It’s not just tech enthusiasts and investors discussing ChatGPT; it has become a topic of conversation in every café, restaurant, and street corner.

The massive interest in ChatGPT has not gone unnoticed by investors either.

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Lindy and ChatGPT: AI Startups Bring Hope Amid Layoff

Over the past year and a half, the IT industry has been hit hard by layoffs, with a staggering 386,000 employees losing their jobs.

PitchBook reports that in the first quarter of this year, more than $12 billion was invested in startups that utilize generative AI technology, a significant increase compared to the approximately $4.5 billion invested in the entire previous year. 

This surge in funding is a clear indicator of the growing faith in the potential of AI-powered startups to revolutionize various industries.

As layoffs have created uncertainties and challenges for IT professionals, the emergence of AI-powered businesses like Lindy and the success of startups like ChatGPT offer a ray of hope for the industry’s future. 

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