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Xi Urges Combat Readiness as PLA Celebrates Founding Anniversary in China

President Xi Jinping gave a key speech at the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on China’s 96th founding anniversary, pressing the military to improve its battle readiness.

The speech comes amidst escalating geopolitical tensions and regional security challenges, emphasizing China’s commitment to safeguarding its sovereignty and national interests.

President Xi’s Call for Vigilant Preparedness

President Xi’s speech, delivered at a ceremony in Beijing, reiterated the importance of a strong and modernized military capable of meeting diverse security threats. He called on the PLA to remain prepared to act at any moment and emphasized the need to focus on building a powerful and technologically advanced armed force.

China’s military modernization has been a key focus in recent years, with substantial investments in defense capabilities and advancements in military technologies. President Xi’s call for enhanced combat readiness further reinforces China’s determination to protect its territorial integrity and uphold its regional influence.

In response to emerging regional challenges, the PLA has been actively strengthening its presence in key strategic areas. It has conducted numerous military exercises and drills to bolster its combat capabilities and maintain a strong defense posture.

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Nations Wary of China’s Actions in Territorial Disputes

President Xi Jinping gave a key speech at the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on China’s 96th founding anniversary, pressing the military to improve its battle readiness.


While President Xi emphasized the PLA’s focus on defense, his call for combat readiness has also drawn attention from the international community. Some nations have expressed concerns about China’s assertiveness in territorial disputes and its increasing military assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific region.

In addition to its regional concerns, China’s military expansion has led to questions about its broader intentions and global influence. The United States and its allies closely monitor China’s military developments and assertive actions, citing potential challenges to regional stability and international norms.

ZAs China continues to assert itself on the global stage, President Xi’s address signals the country’s unwavering commitment to building a strong and modernized military

The PLA’s founding anniversary serves as a reminder of China’s historical journey from a revolutionary force to a formidable military power.

The international community closely watches China’s military developments, and President Xi’s call for combat readiness may further fuel geopolitical tensions. As the PLA marks its founding anniversary, the world keeps a close eye on how China’s military ambitions and actions will shape regional and global dynamics in the years to come.

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