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SNAP Benefits Recertification: How To Re-Apply for Food Assistance?

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides essential food access assistance to eligible individuals and families. To continue obtaining SNAP benefits, you must recertify before your certification period expires. This article intends to guide you through the recertification process and the measures you must take to avoid interruptions in your SNAP benefits.

When their certification period expires, SNAP recipients must resubmit or “recertify” in order to continue receiving benefits. Typical SNAP certification periods last either 12 or 36 months. The Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) will mail you a Recertification form approximately 45 days before your certification period expires.

SNAP Benefits Recertification

The majority of individuals currently receive a “COVID-19 Recertification form.” If you receive this form, you are not required to meet with a DTA representative. When completing the recertification form, it is essential to inform DTA of the following changes:

  • Changes to your phone number or address.
  • Members of the household entering or departing.
  • Status changes for noncitizens.
  • Whether or not any household members are students.
  • Income for all members of the household.

In addition, you may inform DTA of the following:

  • Dependent care expenditures.
  • Costs for housing and utilities.
  • Medical expenses.
  • You make child support payments.
  • Submitting the Form for Recertification

You may return the signed Recertification form to DTA via any of the following:

Recertification must be completed online at This is the most efficient and practical option.

  • Dial 877-382-2363 to conclude the process via phone with DTA.
  • Send the form via fax or mail to DTA.
  • Bring the form to the DTA office in your area.
  • In most circumstances, households will be interviewed via telephone. This interview is comparable to the initial application process interview.

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Submit DTA Form On Time

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides essential food access assistance to eligible individuals and families.

Those households that timely submit the Recertification form and all required verifications will not be required to attend a recertification interview if they are aged (60+) or disabled (no earned income) and do not have a wage. However, DTA may schedule an interview if requested, if the provided information is suspect, or if the SNAP case is at risk of being closed.

As long as you meet the deadline and remain eligible, DTA should provide ample time for you to complete and return the recertification documentation to ensure uninterrupted SNAP benefits. DTA should notify you if, for any reason, your SNAP benefits will be delayed after submitting the form.

Failure to submit the DTA recertification form by the due date may result in a suspension of benefits. If you do not return the form, DTA will terminate your benefits without further notice. In the case of delayed benefits despite expeditious submission, you can verify the status of your case on DTA Connect or contact the DTA Assistance Line.

If your SNAP case has been closed for less than 30 days at the time of recertification, you can submit your Recertification form instead of commencing a new application.

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