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Tesla Data Breaches and Safety Complaints Exposed on a Massive Scale

Tesla failed to appropriately protect customer, employee, and business partner data, and the automaker has received thousands of customer complaints about its driver assistance system, according to a story in Germany’s Handelsblatt, which cited 100 terabytes of secret data leaked by a whistleblower.

According to the Handelsblatt article, a data file known as the Tesla Files contained ample amounts of client data.

Tesla Files Expose Private Data

 The files contain tables with more than 100,000 names of past and present employees, including Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, and his social security number, as well as confidential production information, private email addresses, and phone numbers.

More than 2,400 complaints claim there are issues with unexpectedly abrupt acceleration. At least 232 instances of Teslas taking off on their own have been reported in the US, despite the fact that Autopilot and FSD have garnered most of the media attention in recent years.

However, as is frequently the case in these situations, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found no evidence of a hardware or software issue and instead placed the blame on driver error.

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Brake Issues Prompting Safety Probes and Collisions

Tesla failed to appropriately protect customer, employee, and business partner data, and the automaker has received thousands of customer complaints about its driver assistance system.

More than 1,500 reports claim there are brake difficulties, including 383 instances of phantom stops and 139 instances of phantom braking.

We discovered in February 2022 that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration had launched a safety inquiry into Tesla’s phantom braking issue following the receipt of hundreds of complaints following a report in The Washington Post.

Yet, the issue has persisted, resulting in an eight-car crash over Thanksgiving, which occurred after Tesla opened up enrollment in its FSD Beta program to all owners.

According to Handelsblatt, there were over 1,000 accidents involving brake issues and over 3,000 entries where customers voiced safety concerns about the driver assistance features.

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