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Protesters Condemn ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill at Rainbow PAC Demonstration in Downtown Shreveport

Local group Rainbow Political Action Coalition (PAC) protested nonviolently against the “Don’t Speak Gay” law that was being considered by the Louisiana legislature on Saturday, May 21 at the courthouse in downtown Shreveport.

Oldham continued by informing the gathering that Rainbow PAC was planning another protest in Baton Rouge the following week and urged anyone who could to participate to do so.

Rainbow PAC Holds Peaceful Protest

Rep. Dodie Horton is the author of HB-466, which if it is approved will forbid teachers from addressing issues of gender identity and sexual orientation in the classroom.

The group, carrying posters protesting measures that would negatively affect the LGBTQ+ community if passed, marched around the Caddo Parish Courthouse.

Legislation like Republican Representative Dodie Horton’s “DON’T SAY LGBTQ+” bill would forbid educators from discussing issues relating to the LGBTQ+ community in the classroom.

The law, which was approved by the Louisiana House earlier this month, will now be considered by the Senate.

There are other anti-LGBTQ+ bills circulating in the legislature in addition to Horton’s. House Bill 81 by Rep. Raymond Crews would compel school staff to use the names and pronouns on students’ birth certificates, while Senate Bill 7 by Sen. Heather Cloud will restrict minors’ access to public library literature deemed sexually explicit.

Last, but not least, Rep. Gabe Firment’s House Bill 648 would outlaw providing gender-affirming medical care to children.

The First Amendment rights of those opposed to these bills are allegedly at risk. 

On Saturday, demonstrators surrounded the Shreveport courtroom while carrying posters that said “speak gay,” “equal rights and nothing more,” and “hey hey, ho ho, Dodie Horton has got to go.” 

They also wore rainbow flags with targets on their backs and circled the building while screaming these phrases.

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Resilience in the Face of Discriminatory Legislation

Local group Rainbow Political Action Coalition (PAC) protested nonviolently against the “Don’t Speak Gay” law that was being considered by the Louisiana legislature on Saturday, May 21 at the courthouse in downtown Shreveport.

As a result of the media coverage the demonstration received, the message was amplified and more people became aware of the potential discriminatory effects of the proposed legislation. 

The colorful sea of protesters was recorded in powerful photos by news organizations, showing the strength and cohesion of the LGBTQ+ community and its allies in their struggle for equality.

The Rainbow PAC offered resources, knowledge, and assistance to those impacted by the bill during the entire event.

They provided educational resources, held workshops, and provided a secure setting where people could meet with other activists who shared their values.

The Rainbow PAC sought to counteract the negative effects of the “Don’t Speak Gay” bill and advance a more welcoming and inclusive society by developing a sense of community and empowerment.

The fervent audience made it obvious that their fight for justice and equality will not falter as the demonstration came to a close.

The incident served as a reminder of the effectiveness of group efforts and the resiliency of underprivileged people in the face of difficulty.

 The Rainbow PAC and its supporters fled the center of Shreveport while still working nonstop to repeal discriminatory laws and build a more welcoming future for all.

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