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Leading Charity Raises Concerns About Mental Health Hospitals’ Negative Impact on Children

A significant charity has discovered that children’s mental health clinics are making patients worse since more than half of those they treat have unfavorable experiences.

The child inpatient mental units in Britain are being used as holding placesfor kids in need of treatment and are failing to improve the health of those with the most serious requirements.

Disturbing Survey Reveals Deteriorating Mental Health 

The organization has demanded a public review into inpatient mental treatment and claims the results of its most recent study of kids in hospitals should halt the government in its tracks.

According to the study, which was provided to The Independent, nearly 50% of kids stated their mental state had gotten worse after they were admitted, and nearly 70% said they had a negative experience with inpatient care.

Londoner Tiwa, 20, told The Independent that she still has nightmares about her stint in three inpatient institutions and that they caused her to face greater trauma than she had before being admitted.

It follows allegations of systematic abuse from 50 patients across children’s health clinics owned by The Huntercombe Group, which was sold in 2021, that were made public by The Independent.

Children are restrained in hospitals at a rate six times higher than adults, according to a 2021 NHS assessment on the treatment of children’s mental .

At least 200 children are exposed to some form of restraint each month, according to the most recent NHS data on restraint in mental hospitals. 

This may entail keeping someone face down on the ground or confining them to a room in seclusion for days on end.

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Princess of Wales Praises Co-created ‘Anxiety Toolkit’ 

A significant charity has discovered that children’s mental clinics are making patients worse since more than half of those they treat have unfavorable experiences.

Meanwhile, a renowned mental health organization has created a new anxiety toolbox with the help of students, and The Princess of Wales has lauded it as inspirational.

Kate went to the Anna Freud Centre to find out more about the program, which the research and development company launched on Thursday, and to meet some of the kids who were involved in its development.

She donned a green Suzannah tea dress because Thursday was Mental Health Awareness Week and the Health Foundation encouraged others to wear clothing of the same color to promote Mental-health.

Read more: The Power Of Social Connection For Mental Health Awareness

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