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Former KGB agent’s terrifying prediction: Putin’s accidental nuclear launch could spark World War III

A former KGB agent warned that an accidental launch from Russia’s poorly maintained nuclear arsenal could spark World War III.

Former Russian sleeper agent Jack Barsky, age 73, warned that the risk of a nuclear apocalypse is greater than ever.

Putin’s Ukraine Invasion Mistake

At least three times since the end of the Soviet-Western Cold War, according to Barsky, the world has been on the verge of Armageddon. Due to Russia’s lack of maintenance, he now fears that an accidental launch could usher in the end of days.

In recent weeks, tensions in Russia have increased as Vladimir Putin’s war with Ukraine continues to escalate. Russia claimed that Ukraine attempted to assassinate Vlad with an explosive drone attack on the Kremlin early on May 3. A number of Russian officials have demanded retaliation against the invading nation in response to the alleged attack.

Other Russian nationalists asserted that the United States was behind the attack and intended to inflict on Russia a strategic defeat. Barsky told The Sun that Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was his greatest mistake, but cautioned experts to temper their expectations regarding Putin’s removal.

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Rogozin Suggests Nuclear Attack on Ukraine

A former KGB agent warned that an accidental launch from Russia’s poorly maintained nuclear arsenal could spark World War III.


Putin is not suicidal, and his threats to use nuclear weapons are intimidation tactics, according to Barsky.

The former KGB agent stated that the Soviet Union was aware that a single nuclear weapon launched against NATO would result in total destruction. 

However, he claimed that several misunderstandings and mistakes nearly brought about the nuclear destruction of the world.

In the aftermath of the alleged assassination attempt, Putin’s former Satan-2 hypersonic missile designer Dmitry Rogozin issued a chilling warning.

In an interview with Russian media, Rogozin suggested that, in retaliation, the Kremlin should unleash its nuclear arsenal on Ukraine.

Rogozin, armed with an AK-47 machine gun on his shoulder, stated, “It must be said that according to our doctrine, we have every right to employ tactical nuclear weapons.” “This great equalizer is precisely why they are there,” he continued. Currently, the enemy has a clear advantage in terms of conventional forces and weapons.

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