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The best foods for menopause support: Before, during, and after

Some women deal with menopause symptoms as best they can, while others consider hormone replacement treatment (HRT).

Yet changing your diet is another action that has been supported by science.

Foods that Influence Menopause Symptoms

The type of food you consume not only influences the severity of symptoms like hot flashes and nocturnal sweats, but it can also postpone menopause for years at a time.

This has been demonstrated by high-quality studies, such as a 2018 University of Leeds study in which it was discovered that women who consumed 90g of fatty fish (such as mackerel, salmon, or trout) per day experienced menopause about three and a half years later than the norm (the average age was 51).

The Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health found that women who regularly consumed legumes (such as lentils, chickpeas, and kidney beans) postponed menopause by about a year

Women who consumed a lot of refined foods, such as pasta and rice, experienced menopause on average 1.5 years early.

Your gut microorganisms require meals like oily fish and legumes to survive, and one of the many functions these tiny organisms play is to recycle oestrogen. 

The decrease in this hormone’s production is what causes the majority of menopausal symptoms.

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The Role of Oestrogen in the Body 

Some women deal with menopause symptoms as best they can, while others consider hormone replacement treatment (HRT).

Oestrogen is mostly produced in the ovaries and circulates in the blood, helping to control the health of the heart and blood vessels, brain, bones, skin, and other organs.

When old oestrogen travels through the body and enters the gut, it either leaves the body through feces or the estrobolome, a group of gut bacteria, produces beta-glucuronidase, an enzyme that effectively reactivates it.

Once again in the blood, this recycled oestrogen can begin to function.

Discovering the Menopause Map is just the start of your trip, though. Speak with an endocrinologist to acquire the knowledge and direction you require.

Diabetes, menopause, metabolic diseases, and unusual hereditary problems are all treated by endocrinologists.

The Locate an Endocrinologist and Physician Directory might help you locate an endocrinologist nearby.

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