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What You Know About Most Visited Websites in India?

It’s no secret that India is one of the most diverse and populous countries in the world. And with so many people visiting websites, it’s only natural that there would be a wide range of different content on these sites. In this blog post, we will explore what you know about the most visited websites in India. From lifestyle sites to search engines, we want to know everything you think about these popular destinations. So make sure to leave your thoughts in the comments!

India is the world’s second-most-populous country with over 1.3 billion people

In India, over 1.3 billion people are living in a large and diverse country. The population is constantly growing, as more and more Indians come to the country every day. With such a large population, it’s no surprise that India has a host of popular websites that are visited by millions of people every day.

Here is a list of some of the most popular websites in India:

1) Google: Google is easily the most popular website in India, with over 500 million users accessing it each month. It’s used for everything from searching for information to checking email and browsing the internet.

2) Facebook: Facebook is also hugely popular in India, with over 100 million users logging on each month. It’s used for social networking and communication with friends and family.

3) YouTube: YouTube is one of the most popular video-sharing platforms in the world, and it’s no different in India. Millions of Indians use YouTube to watch videos online, including content from all corners of the world.

4) WhatsApp: WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 1 billion users worldwide. It’s used for communicating with friends and family both offline and online.

5) Twitter: Twitter is another hugely popular platform for exchanging information online, with over 300 million Indian users logging on each month. It’s perfect for getting updates from celebrities or politicians as well as access to trending topics across the globe.

According to Statista, India was the third most-visited country in the world in 2017 with 107 million visitors

According to Statista, India was the third most-visited country in the world in 2017 with 107 million visitors. The website reported that China and the United States were the top two countries with a combined total of 1.37 billion visitors. Interestingly, Statista also reported that India’s website traffic grew 2% year-on-year in 2017, outpacing both China and the U.S. In terms of individual websites, Flipkart was cited as the most popular site in India with over 100 million visits in 2017.

The top 10 most visited websites in India are Google, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, WhatsApp, Baidu, Wikipedia, Netflix, and Instagram

According to a report by Statista, the top 10 most visited websites in India are Google, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, WhatsApp, Baidu, Wikipedia, Netflix, and Instagram. These websites accounted for over 68% of all website traffic in India in 2018.

Google is the most popular website in India with over 44% market share. YouTube is second with over 33% market share. Facebook ranks third with over 21% market share. Amazon is fourth with over 15% market share. Twitter ranks fifth with over 12% market share.

WhatsApp ranks sixth with over 10% market share. Baidu ranks seventh with over 9% market share. Wikipedia ranks eighth with over 8% market share. Netflix ranks ninth with over 7% market share. Instagram ranks tenth with over 6% of market output

Interestingly, several of the top 10 websites are entertainment-related:

According to a study by Singapore-based research firm SimilarWeb, the top 10 most visited websites in India are all entertainment-related. These include YouTube, Facebook, Flipboard, Netflix, Amazon Prime Instant Video, Google Play Movies, and TV Shows, Hotstar, and Microsoft Windows Store. Interestingly, several of these websites are international leaders in their respective industries.

For example, YouTube is the most popular website on the planet with over 1.3 billion active monthly users. Facebook has over 2 billion active users worldwide. Flipboard is used by millions of people to stay up-to-date on their favorite news and content genres, while Netflix dominates the global streaming market with over 139 million subscribers across 190 countries.

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