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Grand Jury Summons for January 6 Were Served on Trump’s Top White House Attorneys

Two top lawyers who worked in the White House under former President Donald Trump have reportedly been subpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury as part of an investigation into the events that led up to the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

This information comes from people who are familiar with the matter. Those individuals who are familiar with the matter have reported that this is the most recent indicator that the investigation being conducted by the Justice Department is moving into a more aggressive phase.

In recent days, people speaking on the condition of anonymity have claimed that Trump’s White House counsel Pat Cipollone and his deputy Pat Philbin have been served with subpoenas that demand documents and testimony from them.

The subpoenas are the clearest sign yet that federal prosecutors are investigating Trump’s own actions, rather than just those of his allies, to overturn his loss in the 2020 election.

The investigation is being conducted to overturn Trump’s loss in the 2020 election. This includes both before and during the assault that his supporters carried out on the Capitol.


The Wall Street Journal reports that over the past few days, prosecutors have been questioning witnesses, including two top aides to former Vice President Mike Pence, about President Trump’s efforts to remain in office. However, it is essential to emphasize that the continuation of this line of questioning does not necessarily indicate that prosecutors are working to build a criminal case against the previous president.

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Cipollone is the former Trump White House official with the highest standing, according to the information that has been acquired up to this point, and he has been invited to testify as part of the current federal investigation. This inquiry is taking place in the United States.

This is the situation as a result of the fact that Cipollone once served as chief of staff in the administration of the previous President Donald Trump.

He was present in the White House at the time that protesters stormed the Capitol building, and he participated in multiple meetings held by Trump’s allies before the attack in which they discussed strategies for contesting the results of the election.

Additionally, he was present in the White House during the time that protesters stormed the Capitol building. In addition, he was present in the White House at the time the demonstrators broke into the Capitol building. This event took place on March 14, 2017.

In addition to this, he was there in the White House when the protesters burst into the Capitol building. The date of this event was the 14th of March in 2017. Cipollone has said that he and several other people, in addition to themselves, have steadfastly campaigned against those measures and that they have done so.

Because he and Philbin were present when the events in issue took place, they are candidates for the role of eyewitnesses when it comes to the actions that Trump was partaking in during his final few days as president.

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