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Jared Kushner: I Stopped Trump Attacking Murdoch in 2015

At the beginning of Donald Trump’s move into politics in 2015, Jared Kushner says that he personally intervened to stop Donald Trump from attacking Rupert Murdoch in response to the media mogul’s criticism. This is something that will be detailed in Jared Kushner’s upcoming memoir.

Kushner pens the following passage in his book Breaking History: “Trump contacted me. It was obvious that he had reached his breaking point. “This guy’s no good.” In addition, I’m going to tweet about it.’

“‘Please, you’re in a Republican primary,’ I responded, hoping that he wasn’t ready to make an unfavourable tweet directed at the most influential man in conservative media.

“There’s no reason for you to go on Rupert’s bad side,” I told you. I’ll have it fixed in a few hours if you give me the chance.'”

Kushner claims that he was able to solve it. If what he says is accurate, then it’s possible that he had a massively significant impact on recent events in the history of the United States.

The backing of Rupert Murdoch, most notably through Fox News, was a significant factor in Donald Trump’s triumph against Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Murdoch stood by Trump during his four turbulent years in power, which culminated in Trump’s refusal to admit defeat and the deadly attack on Congress.

Even though there were consistent reports of friction between the two men, Murdoch supported Trump throughout those years.

The book by Kushner, which is scheduled to be released the following month, was obtained by The Guardian.

The book comes out at a time when it is widely perceived that Murdoch’s newspapers and, to some extent, Fox News are pulling away from Trump.

This is occurring amid congressional hearings into his election subversion and the attack on January 6, rumours about criminal charges, and while he is preparing for another run for the White House.

In his book, Trump’s son-in-law, who later became a senior adviser in the White House, describes a friendship with Murdoch that was built on time spent on Murdoch’s yacht and at Bono’s house in France, watching the U2 frontman sing with Bob Geldof and Billy Joel.

This friendship led to the establishment of a working relationship between the two men. Kushner also discusses how Wendi Murdoch, who is Rupert Murdoch’s third wife, had a role in reuniting him with Ivanka Trump after they had previously broken up.

Kushner asserts that he was successful in persuading Murdoch to back Trump in 2015.

Before Trump entered politics, Trump and Murdoch did not have a particularly tight relationship.

‘However, in July of 2015, shortly after Donald Trump kicked off his explosive campaign for the Republican presidential nomination with a racist diatribe about Mexicans, the owner of Fox News tweeted, “When is Donald Trump going to stop insulting the great country?”

A week later, the New York Times reported that Murdoch had made negative comments about Trump.

The outraged president of the United States promised to send a tweet. Even though Jared Kushner was not yet his father-in-official law’s adviser at the time, he writes, “I called Rupert and told him I had to meet him.”


While we were sitting in his office, I voiced my opinion that “Rupert, I think he could win.” “It seems like you two are in agreement on a lot of the problems. You want the government to be less expansive. You want there to be less taxation. You want tougher boundaries.’

“Rupert listened with a curious expression on his face as if he couldn’t believe that Trump was genuinely serious about running for office.

The following day, he gave me a call and said, “I’ve looked at this, and perhaps I was misjudging it.” In point of fact, he does have a respectable fan base.

The way he is playing the Republican primary election makes it appear as though he has a large following and has the potential to be a game-changer for the party. What does Donald want?’

“He aspires to hold the presidency,’ I retorted,”

He repeated his question and said, “No, what does he truly want?”

I responded by saying, “Look, he doesn’t need a nicer plane.” “That pilot has a gorgeous aeroplane. He does not require a more upscale dwelling.

He has no requirements of any kind. He is sick of seeing politicians make a mess of things in the country, and he believes he is capable of doing a better job.

“‘Interesting,’ Rupert replied.

“For the time being, we have agreed to a ceasefire.”

Kushner also writes about Trump’s disagreements with Fox News during the campaign of 2016, particularly one disagreement with the anchor Megyn Kelly.

Kushner claims that he made a deal with Roger Ailes, who was in charge of Fox News at the time, to donate $5 million to a veterans’ organisation of Trump’s choosing in exchange for Trump deciding not to skip a debate. Ailes was in charge of Fox News at the time.

Kushner argues that Murdoch turned down the offer because he believed that if he accepted it, he would be required to “pay everyone to show up to debates.”

Kushner also discusses how Murdoch influenced his perspective on why the United States required Trump to become president.

Kushner was reminded “of a book that Rupert Murdoch had given me months earlier: Charles Murray’s Coming Apart,” which makes the case that over the last 50 years, America has become divided into upper and lower classes that live apart from each other geographically and culturally. This event took place in Springfield, Illinois in November of 2015.

Kushner argues that Trump made an appeal to those who were “forgotten and disenfranchised.” The protest in Illinois, which his son-in-law attended, “was a wake-up call.”

It has been widely reported that Kushner had another call with Murdoch on election night in 2020.

Kushner’s account of this call has also been widely reported. According to him, Rupert Murdoch assured him that Fox News’ prediction that Joe Biden would defeat Donald Trump in Arizona was “ironclad – not even close.”

This conclusion enraged both the president and the advisors that he had surrounded himself with.

The state of Arizona was critical to Donald Trump’s effort to steal the election by spreading false allegations of widespread voter fraud.

A company that manufactures voting devices has filed a defamation lawsuit against Fox News for a $1.6 billion network because of conspiracy theories that are promoted by President Trump and his allies and are repeated on the network.

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Fox News has stated that they are “confident we will prevail as freedom of the press is foundational to our democracy and must be protected.”

In addition, Fox News has stated that the damage claims are “outrageous, unsupported, and not rooted in sound financial analysis,” and that they are “serving as nothing more than a flagrant attempt to deter our journalists from doing their jobs.”

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