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The Very First Democrat in Congress to Publicly Oppose Joe Biden’s Candidacy for President in 2024

A member of the Democratic caucus in Congress has voiced their opposition to the idea of Vice President Joe Biden running for reelection in 2024.

This is the first public demand from a member of the President’s party to forgo a run, and it is a sign of the difficulties the President is having in maintaining the excitement of his followers.

Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota is a Democrat. On Friday, he appeared on WCCO’s “The Chad Hartman Show,” where he told the show’s host that he did not support Joe Biden’s bid for a second term in office and that he believed the United States would be better served by a newer face in the party.

Phillips also stated that he did not support Biden’s bid to become vice president again. Nearly half of Biden’s life has been spent working in politics.

Phillips lauded the leader of his party, describing him as “a man of decency, of good principle, of compassion, of empathy, and of strength.”

He also credited the leader with serving with “principle and with decency at a time when we surely needed it,” but he maintained his conviction that the Democrats need newer leaders despite his praise.


Not even Vice President Biden, who will be 82 years old in 2024, was immune to this criticism.

During the course of the interview, Phillips made reference to a number of other members of the Democratic leadership in his caucus, and it seemed as though he was implying that these individuals should also make room for more junior members.

The Democrats’ most senior members in the House of Representatives are all at least 80 years old at this point. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the Speaker of the House, and Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-South Carolina), the second-ranking Democrat, are both 82 years old.

Democratic Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Maryland) is one year older than both of them at 83.

“I am part of a caucus here in Congress where three top leaders are over 80 years old, where the president will be over 80 in the next election, and I think it’s time for a generational change,” said Phillips. “I am part of a caucus here in Congress where three top leaders are over 80 years old.”

Biden has already stated his intention to seek for re-election, but Phillips’ comments brought to light the challenges he will have to overcome in order to keep his party united.

Biden’s reputation among Democratic colleagues has suffered as a result of the poor support ratings he has maintained amidst persistently high inflation and slower-than-expected economic development.

A poll conducted earlier in July by the New York Times and Siena College indicated that 64 percent of Democratic voters said they would prefer a different candidate than Biden, compared to 26 percent who said they would still stick with him.

According to the results of a second poll conducted by CNN earlier this week, 75 percent of Democratic voters and voters who lean Democratic said that they would choose another candidate other than Biden.

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Aware of the limitations posed by Biden, Democratic political operatives have begun exploring the viability of prospective alternative candidates for the 2024 election.

Other Democrats have made it a point to speak out more forcefully than the president on these issues in the wake of multiple mass shootings and the overturning of Roe v. Wade last month.

These moves have been seen by observers as an attempt to illustrate a contrast with Vice President Joe Biden’s position.

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