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Albania’s Newly-Installed President Calls for Political Harmony

After being sworn into office on Sunday, the new President of Albania issued a call to the nation’s political parties, during his inaugural address, to work together on the future of the country and to strengthen the rule of law.

A ceremony was held in parliament where the newly elected President Bajram Begaj, 55, took the oath of office. President Begaj won the election with 78 votes out of 140 in Parliament.

Begay, who had previously served as the chief of staff of the army, is quoted as saying, “I won’t stand neutral to anyone putting personal interests above those of our nation.”

The head of the Constitutional Court presented the country’s Constitution to Begaj during a subsequent ceremony that took place in the presidential office.


Begay was put forward for nomination by the left-wing Socialist Party, which is currently in power after the opposition and the ruling party were unable to agree on a candidate who would represent a compromise.

The majority of lawmakers affiliated with the opposition participated in a boycott of the voting, and some of them also skipped the ceremony where they were sworn in.

Begay is Albania’s eighth president since the fall of communism, and he is the third president to come from the military ranks.

The role of the president during their five years in office is primarily ceremonial, and they are expected to remain above partisan divisions.

In addition to having some level of control over the judicial system and the armed forces, the president also serves as the commander general of the armed forces.

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Began his address to the Albanian parliament by speaking about the “irreversible European path” that Albania was on.

According to a quote attributed to Begay, who had previously held the position of chief of staff of the army, he stated, “I won’t stand neutral to anyone putting personal interests above those of our nation.”

In a subsequent ceremony that took place in the president’s office, the head of the country’s Constitutional Court handed Begaj a copy of the constitution to him to present to the audience.

At the beginning of this month, Albania, which has been a member of NATO since 2009, started talks with the European Union to become a member state.

According to what he stated, “European Albania, which is a promise today but will become a reality tomorrow, is the crown of the most beautiful historical dream of the Albanian people.”

In a tweet sent out on Sunday, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, congratulated Albania’s Prime Minister, Edi Rama, on his election to the position of President of the European Council.

Michel continued by saying that “With the opening of accession talks, we are at an exciting time in EU-Albania relations.”

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