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Jack Bucchioni is Free of Any Potential Conflicts of Interest

On June 10, I wrote a letter to the editor in which I concentrated on two issues: To begin, the competing interests held by Russ Huxtable.

The response letter written by Nan Mathis on June 24 makes no reference to all of these blatant inconsistencies.

Second, I believe that John (Jack) Bucchioni has a far more impressive resume and is a great deal more competent to represent the Democratic Party in the race for the job of state senator for the coastal district. This is my opinion based on my own assessment.

As the chief operating officer of Milford Housing Development Corp., Russ Huxtable serves as a consultant to a significant (if not the most important) for-profit home builder in Sussex County.

My opinion is that there will be a conflict of interest in this situation if he gets elected to the state senate.

To put it another way, it is insanity to even consider the possibility of electing a housing developer to the state Senate. To vote for a real estate developer who has competing interests is the height of idiocy.

One of the many businesses that specialize in providing workforce and affordable housing is called Milford Housing.

The affordable housing industry provides assistance to the for-profit construction sector in the form of variances and permissions from municipal and county zoning boards.

In many cases, a builder who is in the business of making a profit will make an offer to construct one cheap unit in exchange for permission to construct a large number of homes that are out of most people’s price ranges.


Huxtable’s company, Milford Housing, obtains the lion’s share of its funding from the State of Delaware.

This is the second conflict of interest, which is even more problematic. As a state senator, he would have influence in the chambers of the statehouse, which is the voting process that decides how much money comes from taxpayers.

Because it is recognized by the IRS as a charitable organization, his company is exempt from paying taxes. That does not imply that the owners and managers of the corporation do not benefit financially from its expansion.

Managers of nonprofit organizations do not work for free, and according to certain reports, some of them earn earnings in the six- or seven-figure range.

Jack Bucchioni has, during his career, been actively interested in the affairs of the local Senate District 6 (coastal district) area and the service organizations located there. Public transit, smart-only land development, affordable housing, water treatment issues, industrial pollution, a living wage, and Delaware’s Green Amendment are some of the initiatives included in these endeavours.

This is in addition to other national problems, such as the right of a woman to choose, same-sex weddings, the prohibition of assault weapons, and universal health insurance for all Americans. St. Jude’s Catholic Church, the American Legion Post 17, the League of Women Voters, and the Milton Lions Club are just a few of the organizations that he has been a part of for many years.

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Jack Bucchioni has a far greater set of qualifications to serve as the representative for the coastal district. Jack is and always has been an advocate for housing that is both inexpensive and accessible.

However, our region faces an overwhelming number of additional challenges. It is strongly suggested that you take a look at Jack Bucchioni’s website, which can be found at

We require a better competent representation in the statehouse if we are to have any chance of retaining any measure of control over our own fate in the coastal district. In addition to this, the applicant must not have any conflicts of interest. These are the reasons why I am supporting Jack Bucchioni for the position of state senator in the coastal district.

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