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The IRS Will Look Into Comey and McCabe’s Infrequent Tax Audits

According to The New York Times, Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Charles Rettig has requested that the Treasury Department’s inspector general look into the tax audits of former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Rettig’s term is set to end in November.

Comey and McCabe were subject to extensive IRS audits while Donald Trump was president, according to a Wednesday report from The Times.

The tax agency claimed that participants in the unusual audit program are chosen at random.

“The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration will look into the issue after receiving a referral from the IRS.

After receiving a press request, IRS Commissioner Rettig personally contacted TIGTA “IRS released a statement.

In an interview with CNN on Thursday, McCabe stated that he believes “referring it to the IG is the correct step, but let’s see if the IG works on it and then makes their findings public.”


Out of 153 million individual tax returns, the IRS targeted about 5,000 persons in 2017 for audits.

Trump informed Comey in 2019 that his 2017 tax return was being examined after firing him in 2017 because, according to Trump, he lost faith in his ability to lead the bureau.

A similar inquiry regarding McCabe’s 2019 tax return was chosen for him as well. McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in 2019. The IRS justified their efforts.

“We are prohibited from discussing particular taxpayer situations per federal privacy rules. Career civil servants conduct audits, and the IRS has strong measures in place to protect both the examination process and against politically-driven audits “The agency reported.

About 5,000 people were the subject of audits by the IRS in 2017. Comey was fired by Trump in 2017 because, according to Trump, he lost faith in his ability to run the bureau.

Comey was alerted in 2019 that his 2017 tax return was being looked at. McCabe was chosen for a similar investigation on his 2019 tax return.

In 2019, Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, sacked McCabe. IRS provided a defence for their actions.

After firing Comey in 2017, Trump informed him in 2019 that his 2017 tax return was being scrutinised because, according to Trump, he lost faith in his ability to lead the bureau.

A similar inquiry was chosen for McCabe’s 2019 tax return as well. Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired McCabe in 2019. The IRS’s efforts were justified.

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“We are barred by federal privacy laws from discussing specific taxpayer situations. Career civil employees perform audits, and the IRS has robust safeguards in place to defend both the examination procedure and against politically motivated audits “In its report, the agency.

“It’s ridiculous and incorrect to claim that top IRS officers in any way singled out certain people for National Research Program audits,” the statement continued.

This November will mark the end of Rettig’s term. Trump-appointed him to his position in 2018.

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