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GOP Senator Claims That the Labor Shortfall Is Caused by Stimulus Payments

Mitch McConnell, the minority leader in the Senate, is either totally out of touch or, more likely, he’s just concluded that anything he says would be accepted by his supporters.

His most recent idiotic remark was made during a speech he gave on Tuesday in Paducah, Kentucky, where he implied that when people run out of stimulus money, the country’s labour shortfall will abruptly resolve.

Republicans want businesses to succeed without having to pay their employees a living wage, which will keep the poor poor.

The pandemic demonstrated to many working-class Americans that big businesses wanted them on the front lines but had no intention of changing their working conditions.

According to Business Insider’s most abhorrent GOPer, “You’ve got a whole lot of people waiting on the sidelines because, honestly, they’re flush for the moment.”

“What we have to hope is that if they run out of money, they’ll start realizing that working is better than not working.”

The irony—or dog whistle—is that McConnell was against President Joe Biden’s stimulus plan.

The GOP claims that Americans are just sucking off the government’s backside, so if he and his allies had their way, Americans wouldn’t have had the desperately needed $1,400 direct payments.


One of the causes of the labour scarcity, according to Business Insider, is the lingering effects of a worldwide pandemic—which is still raging, by the way.

Because $15 per hour is insufficient, many are looking for new occupations and trying to make a living salary. Jobs with more flexibility and those that provide better child care choices, including working from home, are given priority.

A factor is a stress. Some people’s desire to be their own boss comes into play.

Additionally, software that appears to be excluding suitable applicants for open positions is keeping some job-seekers off the market.

Living off a $1,400 Stimme check is not among the actual causes of the Great Resignation.

Republicans want businesses to succeed without having to pay their workers a living wage, which will keep impoverished people in poverty.

The pandemic showed many Americans of the working class that big businesses wanted them on the front lines but had no interest in changing their working conditions.

The burden of these failings falls disproportionately on existing marginalized populations who historically earn less, have fewer benefits and resources, and are more susceptible to the whims of corporate sleaze.

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McConnell is attacking the poor and BIPOC people when he blames labour scarcity on a two-year-old check that was too tiny to pay a month’s rent in most areas.

American workers are unimportant to McConnell and the party he leads. Not about gun violence, bodily autonomy, financing of political campaigns, or environmental issues. They are concerned with holding onto power and profiting off of the labour force.

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