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SSDI Payment of $675 in December 2024: Check Eligibility & Payment Date

For people who are unable to work because of a disability, (SSDI) is an essential program. Millions of Americans get SSDI payments, and if you’re one of them, you might be wondering how much your December 2024 payment will be when it arrives and how to maintain your eligibility. Everything you need to know is included in this handbook, including payment information, eligibility criteria, and practical advice for handling your benefits. If your application is rejected, the practical details of applying for SSDI and the appeals procedure will also be covered.

This post will offer insightful analysis, clear information, and practical suggestions for handling your SSDI benefits in December 2024, regardless of how long you have been receiving benefits.

$675 SSDI Payment in December 2024:

You may make better plans if you know your SSDI benefits, the application procedure, and how your payment amount is calculated. It’s critical to be educated whether you’re managing your monthly payments, getting ready for a review, or just beginning your SSDI application. SSDI beneficiaries will get a 3.2% COLA increase in December 2024, and a predetermined timetable will deliver payments.

$675 SSDI Payment in December 2024 Check Eligibility

You can discover application forms, eligibility tools, and more information about your SSDI benefits on the official Social Security Administration website. Make sure you visit there for individualized help.

What Is SSDI?

A government program called Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) offers financial support to those unable to work because of severe, chronic impairments. It is financed by payroll taxes that employees contribute to the system during their employment and is a component of the Social Security program.

Eligibility Criteria for SSDI:

You must fulfill specific conditions to be eligible for SSDI:

  • Disability: You must be diagnosed with a disability that is predicted to cause your death, or that keeps you from doing a significant job for at least a year. Your disability status is determined by the Social Security Administration (SSA) using a set of medical and occupational guidelines. This involves determining whether your handicap limits your capacity to perform work you previously accomplished or if you can engage in any substantial gainful activity (SGA).
  • Work History and Credits: You must have accrued sufficient work credits from your previous employment to be eligible for SSDI. Typically, 40 credits are required, 20 of which must have been acquired within the last ten years. Depending on age, younger people could require less credits.
  • Age: People under 65 are eligible for SSDI compensation. Your benefits change to standard Social Security retirement payments when you turn 65.

SSDI Payment Amounts:

How much you will get in SSDI payments depends on your average lifetime wages and the amount you have paid to the Social Alarm system throughout your working years. Depending on your job history, SSDI benefits in December 2024 typically vary from $675 to $1,500 per month. However, depending on their particular situation, some people could receive more or less than this.

Your top 35 years of earnings are factored into the Social Security Administration formula. Your monthly SSDI compensation is determined by calculating your Primary Insurance Amount (PIA), which is adjusted for inflation based on these wages.


  • Your SSDI benefits might exceed $2,000 a month if you spent most of your career in high-paying positions.
  • Your compensation may be closer to $675 if you had a shorter work experience or had lower-paying positions.

Your birthday determines the dates on which SSDI payments are made. SSDI benefits will be disbursed as follows in December 2024:

  • Your payment will be made on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, if your birthday comes between the first and the tenth.
  • Your payment will be made on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, if your birthday comes between the eleventh and the twentieth.
  • Your payment will be made on Wednesday, December 25, 2024, if your birthday falls between the 21st and the 31st.

It’s crucial to remember that the payment will be made the business day before if your due date occurs on a holiday or weekend. You may verify your precise payment schedule and delivery method by logging into your My Social Security account.

Delivery Methods:

The majority of beneficiaries get their money deposited directly into their bank account. You can accept payments with a Direct Express Debit Card if you don’t have a bank account. The quickest and safest way to get your money is by direct deposit.

Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) in 2024:

Every year, SSDI benefits are modified for a Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) to assist in keeping up with inflation. Many beneficiaries may experience a minor rise in their payments in 2024 due to the 3.2% COLA increase. For instance, your new SSDI payment would rise by around $38.40, totaling $1,238.40, assuming you previously got $1,200 monthly.

How to Apply?

Here’s how to apply for SSDI if you think you qualify but haven’t done so yet:

  • Online Application: The SSA’s online application is the most straightforward application method. This technique allows one to submit an application and track its progress.
  • By Phone: To arrange an appointment for your application, you can also apply by giving the SSA a call at 1-800-772-1213.
  • In Person: You can apply at your neighborhood Social Security office if you would rather speak with someone in person. Use the SSA’s office locator to locate an office in your area.

How do you proceed if your Application for SSDI is Rejected?

Unfortunately, a large number of SSDI applications are first rejected, sometimes as a result of insufficient medical information or missing paperwork. You have the right to appeal the judgment if your application is denied. The following phases are commonly included in the appeals process:

  • Request for Reconsideration: You can ask a new SSA representative to reconsider your application if it is rejected. This is your opportunity to provide further proof or address any confusion.
  • An Administrative Law Judge’s (ALJ) hearing: You can ask for a hearing before an ALJ if reconsideration is unsuccessful. Many SSDI petitioners are granted benefits during the hearing process, primarily if they provide fresh or more convincing evidence.
  • Appeals Council: If the ALJ dismisses your case, you can appeal to the SSA’s Appeals Council.
  • Federal Court: You may file a case in a federal court as a last resort.

To ensure that SSDI beneficiaries continue to fulfill the eligibility standards, the SSA regularly assesses their disability status. These evaluations usually occur every three to seven years, depending on your impairment type. You will continue to get benefits if your impairment prevents you from working. If you are invited to participate in a review, be careful to comply entirely with the SSA’s review procedure and submit any necessary medical documents.

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