An 11-year-old child who became stuck for more than nine hours near his school when he fell between two stones was released by rescuers, a New Hampshire fire chief said on Monday.
What Happened to 11-Year-Old Boy?
An 11-year-old child who became stuck for more than nine hours near his school when he fell between two stones was released by rescuers, a New Hampshire fire chief said on Monday.
Around 3:15 a.m., the youngster was forced off the rocks in Windsor. The Wediko School, where the youngster attends, said he was released after being evaluated at a hospital.
The school, a residential treatment center for males, released a statement on Monday stating that on Sunday night while being supervised, a student exploring a rocky location on site slid between two rocks as sticks and garbage gave way beneath them.

The statement stated, After many staff members failed to extricate the student, they promptly contacted the local emergency rescue services.”Emergency personnel who worked nonstop through the night saved the student in the wee hours of the morning.
Just before 6 p.m. on Sunday, firefighters received a call. Upon arrival, Hillsborough Fire Chief Kenny Stafford reported that they discovered the youngster “lodged between the crevasse” in a massive boulder. According to him, they used lubricant and ropes to save the infant.
The state police, the Fish and Game Department, and first responders from at least five additional towns helped in the rescue in Windsor, southern New Hampshire.
According to Manchester Fire Battalion Chief Jon Fosher, Crews at the scene contacted the department partly because Manchester possessed a large rescue vehicle with a four-person crew.
He stated there was no way to try to lift the enormous rocks in an attempt to liberate the youngster. He said that the toddler remained trapped despite the rescuers’ early efforts to tear away pieces of the stone.
“To reach the child’s feet, we essentially had to tunnel underneath the boulder, which gave us something to push on from the bottom,” he explained.
To assist in hoisting the youngster up and out, rescuers used dish soap and placed friction-reducing blankets on his back and legs. Fosher attributed the boy’s success to everyone’s effort in rescuing him.