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Man murdered ex-wife and her boyfriend in St. James, Long Island, As Per Police Reports

ST. JAMES, New York – According to authorities, a man was charged with murder in connection with the deaths of his ex-wife and her lover on Long Island.

Following his arrest on Wednesday, Daniel Coppola, 50, was charged with two charges of second-degree murder.

According to the police, the guy entered the St. James, New York, residence with his 15-year-old daughter sitting in his car before he reportedly shot and killed the mother.

“His daughter Giana, he was driving her to his house and he was hitting things and driving recklessly.” the victim’s father Kenneth Pohlman Sr. said.

According to Pohlman Sr., the daughter became frightened and asked her father to bring her back to the house.

“So he leaves her in the car, goes behind the bush- she said behind the bush and evidently he broke down the door, went up and did what he did, came back, and told his daughter ‘I killed your mother and Kenny,'” Pohlman Sr. said.

Around 11:45 p.m. on Wednesday, two adults were found dead inside a St. James residence from gunshot wounds after Suffolk County Police responded to a 911 call.

Kelly Coppola, 50, and her 53-year-old lover Kenneth Pohlman Jr. were identified by investigators as the victims.

The distraught family of Pohlman spoke with Eyewitness News outside their house.

“Kelly brought the best out of him and he brought the best out of her. They were very happy,” Pohlman Sr. said.

According to John Pohlman, the man who passed away was his closest companion.

“I wasn’t known as John Pohlman growing up, I was ‘little Kenny Pohlman’s brother,’ that’s what I was known as. He would give you the shirt off his back,” John Pohlman said.

The victim lost his wife to cancer 17 years ago, according to another brother, Tom Pohlman.

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