One of the most notable aspects of Steve Jobs’s lifestyle was his unique approach to diet. He often practiced fasting for extended periods, followed by consuming simple leafy vegetables and water.
Known for his eccentric eating habits, Jobs would sometimes spend weeks consuming the same type of food, such as apples or carrot salads, before abruptly changing course or embarking on a fast.
Eccentricities of Steve Jobs
Interestingly, Steve Jobs’s adherence to a fruitarian diet played a pivotal role in the naming of his company, Apple.
Legend has it that during a visit to an apple orchard, Jobs found inspiration for the company name, deeming it “fun, spirited, and non-intimidating.” This sentiment was echoed by Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak, leading them to choose the name Apple for their revolutionary tech enterprise.
However, Steve Jobs’s dietary choices weren’t without controversy. His belief in the fruitarian diet led him to forgo regular showers and deodorant, under the assumption that his clean, fruit-based diet eliminated the need for conventional hygiene practices.
This stance resulted in some discomfort among his colleagues at Atari Corp., who were taken aback by his body odor, prompting management to assign him to the night shift.
Beyond his unorthodox dietary and hygiene habits, Jobs was also known for his idiosyncratic behaviors, such as constant nail-biting, likely a manifestation of the intense pressure and stress inherent in his role as a pioneering figure in the tech industry.
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Unraveling the Enigma of Steve Jobs

Yet, perhaps the most iconic aspect of Steve Jobs’s persona was his minimalist uniform: a black turtleneck, blue jeans, and New Balance sneakers.
Inspired by his visit to Japan and Sony’s employee uniform policy, Jobs sought to implement a similar dress code at Apple. When met with resistance, he instead adopted his signature attire, simplifying his daily choices and solidifying his image as a tech visionary.
In hindsight, Steve Jobs’s eccentric habits offer a deeper insight into the complexities of his character. While his legacy in technology remains unparalleled, his quirks serve as a reminder that innovation often accompanies unconventional traits.
Jobs’s legacy extends beyond his technological innovations, showcasing the multifaceted nature of a visionary whose impact transcends conventional boundaries.
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