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Colorado Intersections Top List as Most Hazardous in US

A simple act like crossing the road has become increasingly perilous in Colorado, where a recent study conducted by The Schiller Kessler Group reveals an alarming trend— the state holds the unfortunate title of having the highest rate of pedestrian deaths at intersections.

The findings of the study, examining the concerning statistics, contributing factors, and the urgent need for enhanced safety measures.

Analyzing the Data

The Schiller Kessler Group, a personal injury law firm, conducted a comprehensive analysis of data spanning from 2017 to 2021, sourced from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 

While Colorado may not lead in the total number of pedestrian deaths, it stands out for having the highest percentage of fatalities occurring at intersections.

State Pedestrian Fatalities (2017-2021) At Intersections Percentage of Fatalities at Intersections
Colorado 433 138 31.87
New York 1,310 406 30.99
Utah 192 57 29.69
Minnesota 222 65 29.28
Hawaii 138 37 26.81
Nevada 393 100 25.45
Nebraska 97 24 24.74
Oregon 387 95 24.55
New Jersey 916 223 24.34
Idaho 79 19 24.05

The study highlights that a staggering one-third of all pedestrian deaths in Colorado occur at intersections. To contextualize this alarming statistic, the table below compares Colorado’s pedestrian fatalities at intersections with those in other states.

Colorado’s pedestrian safety record hasn’t shown improvement in recent years. Despite advancements in road safety measures, the state has experienced a steady increase in pedestrian deaths since the early 2000s, when annual deaths ranged from 40 to 70. 

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Colorado Nearing Record High in 2023 with Alarming Surge in Fatalities

A simple act like crossing the road has become increasingly perilous in Colorado, where a recent study conducted by The Schiller Kessler Group reveals an alarming trend— the state holds the unfortunate title of having the highest rate of pedestrian deaths at intersections.

Alarming still, the pedestrian death toll in Colorado saw a 12% increase in the last year alone, as tweeted by the Colorado Department of Transportation in October 2023.

As of October 2023, Colorado was on track to set a grim record in pedestrian deaths, with the previous all-time high occurring in 2022, totaling 115 deaths.

The concerning surge in pedestrian deaths at intersections in Colorado demands immediate attention from authorities, lawmakers, and the community at large.

Enhanced safety measures, public awareness campaigns, and infrastructure improvements are vital to curbing this alarming trend and ensuring that pedestrians can navigate roadways with a reasonable expectation of safety. 

The study serves as a stark reminder for residents to exercise extra caution when crossing the road and for authorities to prioritize pedestrian safety as a top public health concern.

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