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Pope Francis Condemns Surrogacy as ‘Deplorable’ and Urges a Ban

Pope Francis has called for a worldwide ban on surrogacy, denouncing the practice as “deplorable” and a severe violation of the dignity of both the woman and the child involved. 

This declaration is expected to stir reactions, particularly from LGBTQ groups, given the common use of surrogacy by gay or lesbian couples seeking to become parents. The Pope’s stance comes on the heels of his landmark decision allowing priests to bless same-sex couples.

Pope Sparks Controversy with Surrogacy Ban Amid LGBTQ Progress

During a 45-minute address to Vatican-accredited diplomats, Pope Francis expressed his strong disapproval of surrogate motherhood, condemning it as an exploitation of vulnerable situations based on material needs. 

The 87-year-old pontiff urged the international community to make collective efforts towards a universal prohibition of surrogacy.

Surrogacy is a contentious issue with limited statistics due to its illegality in many countries worldwide, as well as in certain US states, due to ethical concerns. Critics argue against the practice, highlighting the potential for a “poverty bias” as some women may turn to surrogacy out of financial necessity.

Despite legal restrictions, interest in surrogacy continues to rise. Women opting to delay pregnancy until later in life and same-sex couples unable to conceive naturally are among those seeking alternative avenues to start families. 

In Italy, where surrogacy is illegal, the government is considering extending the ban to penalize couples going abroad for the procedure.

Read more: Pope Francis Opens Door To Blessings For Same-Sex Couples Under Specific Conditions

Pope Francis Firmly Condemns Gender Theory as ‘Extremely Dangerous

Pope Francis has called for a worldwide ban on surrogacy, denouncing the practice as “deplorable” and a severe violation of the dignity of both the woman and the child involved.

In addition to his stance on surrogacy, Pope Francis reiterated the Vatican’s condemnation of gender theory. 

He labeled the theory as “extremely dangerous,” asserting that it undermines the recognition of differences between genders and seeks to establish equality by negating those distinctions.

Pope Francis’ call for a global ban on surrogacy adds a new layer to the ongoing debate surrounding reproductive rights and LGBTQ issues. 

The Pope’s strong stance, delivered in his annual address, is likely to spark discussions and disagreements on the international stage, particularly as societies grapple with evolving perspectives on family, parenthood, and gender identity.

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