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Trump-Appointed Wisconsin Electors Withdraw False Filings, Acknowledge Biden Victory

Ten Republicans who posed as fake electors in Wisconsin during the 2020 election and filed false paperwork claiming former President Donald Trump’s victory have settled a civil lawsuit. 

The individuals admitted that their actions were part of a broader effort to overturn President Joe Biden’s victory in the state.

Settlement Secures Acknowledgment of Biden’s Wisconsin Victory

Under the terms of the settlement, the fake electors acknowledged that Joe Biden won Wisconsin, withdrew their filings, and committed not to serve as presidential electors in any future election where Trump is on the ballot. 

Additionally, they agreed to send a statement to government offices involved in the Electoral College votes, explicitly stating that their actions were an attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election results improperly.

This settlement represents a noteworthy development as it marks the first time any Trump electors have revoked their filings sent to Congress claiming Trump’s victory in battleground states. 

The trend of fraudulent electors has also prompted criminal charges in states like Georgia, Michigan, and, most recently, Nevada.

The settlement announcement came from Law Forward, Georgetown University Law Center’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection, and the Stafford Rosenbaum law firm in Madison. 

The civil lawsuit, brought by Democratic voters, sought $2.4 million in damages from the ten Republicans who submitted false documents to Congress, falsely declaring Trump as the 2020 election winner in Wisconsin.

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Fake Trump Electors in Wisconsin Settle

Ten Republicans who posed as fake electors in Wisconsin during the 2020 election and filed false paperwork claiming former President Donald Trump’s victory have settled a civil lawsuit.

The settlement does not require the fake electors to pay damages or attorneys’ fees, and there is no admission of wrongdoing or liability. 

The agreement includes provisions for the fake electors to assist the Department of Justice with its ongoing investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election. 

Furthermore, the counterfeit electors committed to aiding the Democrats in their ongoing lawsuit against Trump’s attorneys, Jim Troupis and Kenneth Chesebro.

The lawsuit alleged that the fake electors were part of a broader plan in seven battleground states to declare Trump as the winner if a court later ruled in his favor. 

The settlement sheds light on internal communications among the fake electors, revealing concerns about being perceived as part of a “possible steal.” 

Some expressed feeling compelled to go along with the plan to avoid backlash from Trump supporters.

This development comes amid continued false claims by Trump regarding the 2020 election, despite consistent findings from government and external investigations that there was no widespread voter fraud that could have altered the outcome. 

As legal proceedings unfold and investigations progress, the settlement in Wisconsin reflects efforts to hold individuals accountable for their role in attempting to subvert the democratic process.

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