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Bethlehem’s Christmas Tree Absent Amidst Scaled-Down Holidays Amid Israel’s Gaza Conflict

Bethlehem, the traditional site of Jesus’ birth, is experiencing a subdued Christmas this year amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas. 

The town, usually bustling with festive activities during the Advent season, is witnessing scaled-down celebrations marked by an absence of the iconic Christmas tree in Nativity Square.

Bethlehem’s Silent Christmas

Bethlehem, situated in the occupied West Bank near Jerusalem, has historically faced challenges due to Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. 

However, the current conflict in the Gaza Strip, located 50 km away, has heightened tensions and cast a shadow over the town’s Christmas spirit. 

The war, triggered by an Oct 7 incident involving Hamas gunmen, has left much of the impoverished Gaza enclave devastated, with no clear end in sight.

In early December, Bethlehem usually sees a congregation of church leaders to inaugurate the pre-Christmas Advent season, attracting tourists worldwide. 

This year, however, the streets and plazas of the hilly town remain primarily empty and sad, reflecting the gravity of the situation.  The dry winter sun adds to the subdued atmosphere that contrasts sharply with the usual joyous festivities.

Father Ibrahim Faltas, a senior Franciscan friar, expressed the unprecedented nature of Bethlehem’s current state, surpassing even the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

He noted the emptiness and sadness that pervades the town, emphasizing that the day was meant to be joyous but is now marked by collective pain and mourning.

The conflict has resulted in a substantial loss of life, with differing casualty figures provided by Gazan authorities and Israel. 

The toll includes many children, women, and older people, stirring deep emotions among the Palestinian population. 

Father Faltas conveyed the town’s grief, particularly for those who lost their lives in the ongoing war.

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Subdued Christmas Amid Gaza Conflict

Bethlehem, the traditional site of Jesus’ birth, is experiencing a subdued Christmas this year amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas.

In a departure from tradition, Nativity Square, where the iconic Christmas tree is typically erected, remains bare this year. 

Father Francesco Patton of the Custody of the Holy Land church group explained that celebrations would be sad, devoid of the usual fanfare and bright lights. 

The emphasis is on spiritual observance, with families taking precedence over public gatherings in the square. Bethlehem’s subdued Christmas reflects the profound impact of the Gaza conflict on the town’s residents and traditions. 

The absence of festive decorations and the somber atmosphere underscores the collective grief and solidarity with those affected by the ongoing war. 

In the face of adversity, Bethlehem seeks solace in a more contemplative and spiritual observance, highlighting the resilience of its people amid challenging times.
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