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Texas Gov Abbott Continue Sending Migrants to Sanctuary Cities Until Biden Addresses Issues

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has announced that Texas will persist in bussing migrants to sanctuary cities until the Biden administration takes decisive action to secure the southern border. 

Despite facing criticism from Democrats, Abbott maintains that the bussing program is a necessary measure providing relief to border towns in Texas grappling with an overwhelming influx of migrants from Mexico.

Governor Abbott’s Bold Move

In a post on Wednesday, Abbott declared, “Texas will bus migrants to sanctuary cities until Biden secures the border.  Our mission provides vital relief to border towns.”

The governor asserts that this initiative aims to draw attention to the border crisis and its strain on communities closest to the border.

According to Abbott, Texas has transported more than 12,500 migrants to Washington, D.C., 25,000 to New York City, 20,000 to Chicago, 3,200 to Philadelphia, 7,400 to Denver, and just over 1,000 to Los Angeles. 

However, officials in these Democrat-led cities have criticized Abbott for sending buses filled with migrants with little or no advance notice.

Abbott defends his actions by arguing that sanctuary cities, which claim to welcome illegal immigrants, do not experience the daily challenges faced by border towns dealing with the inflow of migrants. 

The governor contends that these cities have the luxury of making disingenuous statements without having to confront the practical implications of the situation.

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Texas Border Crisis Strains New York City

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has announced that Texas will persist in bussing migrants to sanctuary cities until the Biden administration takes decisive action to secure the southern border.

New York City, in particular, has faced significant challenges and public backlash due to the sudden influx of migrants. 

Residents have expressed frustration, and in one case, a 94-year-old Army war veteran was reportedly evicted from his nursing home, which now houses migrants.

“I felt horrible,” said Frank Tammaro, the veteran, adding, “It’s no joke getting thrown out of a house.” He expressed frustration over his eviction, contrasting it with the city’s allocation of resources to assist asylum seekers.

As the border crisis continues, Texas has implemented its own measures to address border security, including a new state law that increases penalties for human smugglers and those operating stash houses. 

The state has also erected barriers on the border and intensified enforcement efforts to manage the escalating situation. 

The standoff between Texas and the Biden administration underscores the complexities of immigration policies and their impact on both border communities and urban centers nationwide.

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