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Delaware Secures Additional $25M in ‘Forever Chemical’ Settlement with Chemours, DuPont, and Corteva

In a groundbreaking development, the state of Delaware is set to receive an additional $25 million from major “forever chemical” manufacturers—Chemours, DuPont, and Corteva—as part of a settlement agreement related to the release of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), commonly known as forever chemicals.

The initial agreement, forged in 2021, saw the three companies collectively paying $50 million to Delaware to address the environmental and health consequences of PFAS contamination. 

The Landmark Settlement Agreement

The settlement stipulated that if the manufacturers reached a settlement with any other state exceeding $50 million, they would be obligated to contribute an extra $25 million to Delaware.

This provision was triggered recently when the companies announced a substantial $110 million settlement with the state of Ohio, acknowledging their responsibility for the release of harmful PFAS chemicals. 

Consequently, the terms of Delaware’s 2021 settlement came into effect, securing an additional $25 million for the state.

Attorney General Kathy Jennings expressed her satisfaction with this development, stating, “We are thrilled that our forward-thinking settlement with DuPont and others is now $25 million more valuable to the State of Delaware. 

That’s 50% more to restore our natural resources, to support public health initiatives in impacted communities and to keep our neighbors healthy.”

PFAS, a class of chemicals that includes thousands of man made compounds, has been widely used in various products such as nonstick cookware, food packaging, and firefighting foam. 

The harmful effects of PFAS have been linked to a range of health issues, from infertility to different types of cancers. 

A national study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey revealed that nearly half of the tap water supply across the United States is estimated to contain at least one type of PFAS, with urban centers facing the highest risk.

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Delaware $25 Million Battle for Environmental Justice

In a groundbreaking development, the state of Delaware is set to receive an additional $25 million from major “forever chemical” manufacturers—Chemours, DuPont, and Corteva—as part of a settlement agreement related to the release of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), commonly known as forever chemicals.

Delaware has been proactive in addressing PFAS concerns. In October, Attorney General Jennings announced a lawsuit against 13 chemical companies, including 3M Co. and Tyco Products, for endangering public health and natural resources. 

The state’s efforts align with a broader national trend, as this summer witnessed multiple billion-dollar settlements from PFAS manufacturers to hundreds of local and state governments across the country.

As Delaware continues to champion environmental justice and public health, the additional $25 million secured through this settlement will play a crucial role in mitigating the impact of PFAS contamination and supporting initiatives aimed at safeguarding the well-being of affected communities. 

This landmark agreement underscores the importance of holding corporations accountable for their role in environmental degradation and marks a significant step towards addressing the pervasive issue of forever chemicals in our communities.Read more: Charitable Giving With A Double Benefit: Make A Difference And Reduce Taxes

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