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Taiwan Tension Peaks: Xi Jinping Identifies the Island as Top Concern in Talks with Biden

The Taiwan issue emerged as a focal point during the recent summit between President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China and President Joe Biden in San Francisco. 

The high-level discussions revealed a stark difference in perspectives, with Xi Jinping emphasizing the Taiwan question as the most dangerous threat to peace in US-China relations.

Xi Jinping Warns Biden of Potential Threat to Peace

President Xi Jinping conveyed to President Biden that Taiwan represents the most significant and potentially difficult issue in the relationship between their nations.

During the summit, a senior US official reported that Xi preferred peaceful reunification but did not rule out the potential use of force under certain conditions.

President Biden responded with a clear reaffirmation of the longstanding US position, emphasizing the determination to maintain peace and stability in the region. However, Xi Jinping insisted on moving towards a resolution, prompting discussions about the sensitive matter.

The United States maintains a “strategic ambiguity” policy concerning the China-Taiwan conflict. 

Read more: Joe Biden And Xi Jinping’s Historic Handshake: Face-To-Face Talks Aim To Stabilize US-China Relations

Taiwan Tensions Take Center Stage

The Taiwan issue emerged as a focal point during the recent summit between President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China and President Joe Biden in San Francisco.

While acknowledging Beijing’s claim to Taiwan through the “One China” policy, the US does not explicitly endorse China’s position. Washington remains a crucial provider of military and defense assistance to Taiwan without committing to direct intervention in case of a conflict with China.

During the summit, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying warned about America’s relations with Taiwan, labeling the “Taiwan question” as the most crucial and sensitive issue in China-US relations. 

She urged the US to honor its commitment of not supporting Taiwan’s independence, cease arming Taiwan, and support China’s peaceful reunification. President Biden maintained his characterization of Xi Jinping as a “dictator” during the summit, echoing sentiments expressed in June. 

Responding to a reporter’s question, Biden explained that Xi is a leader of a communist country with a governance system fundamentally different from that of the United States. The tension over the Taiwan issue adds complexity to US-China relations, with both nations expressing divergent views. 

As geopolitical dynamics evolve, the Taiwan question remains a critical factor influencing the delicate balance between the two global powers. The summit discussions highlight the challenges of managing this sensitive issue and maintaining regional stability in the face of potential threats to peace.

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