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Biden Administration Launches Airstrikes on Iranian Sites Tied to Attacks on US Forces Amid Rising Tensions

President Biden has ordered airstrikes against two facilities in Syria, targeting elements associated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards. 

The strikes, conducted by Air Force F-15E fighter jets, were a response to the persistent rocket attacks on US forces in both Iraq and Syria.

Biden Orders Airstrikes on Iran-Linked Sites in Syria

The targeted structures, located in Abu Kamal and a safe house in Mayadin, were identified as key hubs for weapons and ammunition storage, as well as command and control headquarters. This marks the latest in a series of retaliatory measures following continuous assaults on US military positions.

Just four days earlier, US warplanes had struck a munitions depot in eastern Syria. On the same day, tragedy struck as five US Army soldiers lost their lives in a helicopter crash in the Mediterranean Sea. The airstrikes on Sunday followed a similar pattern to those two weeks prior when U.S. forces targeted Iranian-controlled sites in response to attacks on American bases in Syria and Iraq.

Pentagon officials revealed that ‘multiple one-way drones’ were launched against US and coalition forces at Rumalyn Landing Zone in northern Syria on Saturday. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin emphasized President Biden’s commitment to the safety of US personnel, framing the strikes as a clear message that the United States will defend itself and its interests.

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Strikes Hit Pro-Iranian Militia Camp and Mayadeen Bridge

President Biden has ordered airstrikes against two facilities in Syria, targeting elements associated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards.


Local sources indicated that the strikes on Sunday also aimed at a camp run by pro-Iranian militias in the Deir al Zor province. Another strike targeted a bridge near the city of Mayadeen, a stronghold for pro-Iranian militias near the Iraqi border.

The origin of Saturday’s drone strikes remains unclear, but previous similar attacks have been attributed to Iran-backed militants operating within the Islamic Resistance in Iraq. 

Iran’s provision of Qasef-1 drones and other UAV munitions to proxy groups in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and Gaza has been a long-standing concern.

These latest actions underscore the escalating tensions in the region, with the United States actively countering waves of drone and rocket attacks against its troops in Syria and Iraq. As the situation unfolds, the international community closely watches the evolving dynamics triggered by the recent Israel-Hamas conflict.

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