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Hamas Leader Pledges Ongoing Attacks on Israel Until Its Destruction

A top Hamas official named Ghazi Hamad promised recently in a statement that the organization will keep attacking Israel with the intention of destroying it completely. 

The contentious statement has sparked apprehension both locally and internationally, generating widespread unease and raising alarms among various stakeholders.

Hamas’s Future Intentions

Hamad, a member of Hamas’s decision-making political bureau, issued this pledge during an interview with Lebanese television on October 24, with the interview subsequently gaining attention when it was republished by British media outlets.

The Hamas official referred to a recent attack on Israel known as “Operation al-Aqsa Flood,” which took place on October 7, resulting in the deaths of over 1,400 Israelis and the taking of approximately 240 hostages.

Hamad stated that this attack was just the beginning, and there would be more to come, emphasizing Hamas’s determination and resolve.

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International Condemnation

A top Hamas official named Ghazi Hamad promised recently in a statement that the organization will keep attacking Israel with the intention of destroying it completely.


During the interview, Hamad said, “We are proud to sacrifice martyrs and are called a nation of martyrs.” As Israel represents a “security, military, and political catastrophe” for the Arab and Islamic countries, he continued, Israel has no place on their territory and ought to be removed. 

He concluded, “We must teach Israel a lesson, and we will do this again and again.”

Hamad’s aggressive rhetoric has been met with strong condemnation from Israel and the international community. 

Such statements undermine efforts for peace and stability in the region, further complicating the already tense situation in the Middle East. Israel has long considered Hamas a terrorist organization and has frequently clashed with the group over security and territorial issues. 

The international community has urged restraint and diplomacy to resolve the longstanding conflicts in the region.

The future remains uncertain as both sides grapple with this new threat from Hamas and work towards finding a peaceful resolution to their ongoing conflicts.

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