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COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns: FDA Highlights Stroke and Seizure Connections

Recent FDA discoveries have sparked curiosity and debate regarding COVID-19 vaccines, particularly those from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.

The FDA’s analysis suggests a minor association between these vaccines and an elevated risk of stroke, particularly when administered alongside a high-dose flu shot, primarily among those 85 years and above. 

COVID-19 Vaccination Risks and Benefits

Additionally, a slight rise in seizure incidents among children aged 2 to 5 post-COVID vaccination has been observed. While these findings have garnered attention, it’s important to understand the nuances and implications.

The observed increase in stroke risk is minuscule and may be attributed to the high-dose flu vaccine itself. The data is not conclusive, and even if a link were established, the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination still outweigh the potential risks, especially for older adults who face individual stroke risks from both COVID-19 and the flu.

The FDA’s transparency in reporting safety concerns is commendable, and further investigation is underway. Observational studies cannot definitively establish cause and effect, and more comprehensive research is planned.

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CDC’s Previous Note on Vaccine-Stroke Risk

Recent FDA discoveries have sparked curiosity and debate regarding COVID-19 vaccines, particularly those from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.


Dr. Cavaleri, an expert in the field, emphasizes the need for caution in interpreting the data until larger datasets from different regions provide a clearer picture.

Notably, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had previously noted a potential link between vaccines and stroke risk, but subsequent investigations found a direct connection unlikely.

The FDA’s recent study, involving nearly 5.4 million Medicare beneficiaries, revealed that the risk of stroke was more pronounced in certain age groups, potentially due to the high-dose flu vaccine. However, specific stroke types were affected in different ways, indicating a need for further investigation.

Concerning the observed seizure incidents in young children, experts highlight that other fever-inducing vaccines can trigger seizures in this age group, emphasizing the need for a balanced perspective.

In conclusion, while these findings pique interest, the overall message remains clear: the advantages of COVID-19 vaccination in the face of a pandemic far outweigh the minimal and tentative risks observed.

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