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Obama Issues Ominous Warning on Gaza Bombings Amid Israel-Hamas Conflict

Former US President Barack Obama has weighed in on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, expressing concern about the current military strategy being employed. 

As Israel and Hamas continue to exchange hostilities, Obama warned that the persistent bombings in Gaza could backfire on the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).

Obama’s Perspective

The conflict escalated when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu authorized a campaign of heavy raids in response to one of the deadliest militant attacks in the country’s history, launched by Hamas. However, Netanyahu’s strategy has drawn widespread condemnation due to the significant civilian casualties in Gaza, including nearly 2,000 children.

Obama acknowledged Israel’s right to defend itself from enemy attacks but stressed the importance of considering the human costs and following international laws that seek to minimize civilian suffering.

In a post on Medium, Obama stated, “The world is watching closely as events in the region unfold, and any Israeli military strategy that ignores the human costs could ultimately backfire. Already, thousands of Palestinians have been killed in the bombing of Gaza, many of them children. Hundreds of thousands have been forced from their homes.”

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Global Support for Israel

Former US President Barack Obama has weighed in on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, expressing concern about the current military strategy being employed.


Furthermore, Obama cautioned against cutting off access to essentials like food and electricity, as such measures might harden the stance of generations of Palestinians and erode global support for Israel. 

Obama emphasized the potential negative consequences of this approach, which could play into the hands of Israel’s enemies and undermine long-term efforts to achieve peace and stability in the region.

The Israel-Hamas conflict has raised concerns about a widening war, with Israel striking targets in the occupied West Bank, Syria, and Lebanon while engaging in fire exchanges with Lebanon’s Hezbollah militant group. 

Humanitarian concerns persist, with Israel allowing limited aid convoys into the Gaza Strip but withholding fuel critical for water and sanitation systems and hospitals.

The conflict continues to be a complex and highly sensitive issue with significant implications for the region, drawing attention from leaders and organizations worldwide who are working to find a resolution that minimizes civilian suffering and promotes stability.

Read more: US Warns Of Retaliation In Response To Attacks On American Forces In The Middle East

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