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California Urges Readiness for Major Earthquake: The Big One Could Strike

The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services has started a thorough seven-stop tour throughout the state in an effort to improve California’s preparedness for future disasters.

This initiative is part of the annual Great California ShakeOut event, designed to raise awareness and preparedness for seismic activity.

California Earthquake Preparedness

The centerpiece of this tour is a state-of-the-art shake simulator with the ability to replicate the effects of a 7.0 magnitude earthquake. 

This sophisticated device is hitting the road and traveling to cities throughout California, where first responders will offer vital earthquake preparedness guidance, with the aim of equipping residents to safeguard lives and property during seismic events.

Cal OES Director Nancy Ward underscored California’s long-standing commitment to pioneering disaster preparedness efforts. She stated, “During this year’s Great ShakeOut, we want to empower every Californian to take proactive steps to ensure the safety of themselves and their families.”

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Great California ShakeOut Day and Statewide Drill

The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services has started a thorough seven-stop tour throughout the state in an effort to improve California’s preparedness for future disasters.


The tour commenced on October 11th in the state’s capital, Sacramento, and is set to journey through six more California counties: San Francisco, Monterey, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Diego. 

The grand finale will coincide with the Great California ShakeOut Day on October 19th at 10:19 a.m., where millions of Californians will participate in a statewide earthquake drill, practicing essential life-saving actions like ‘drop, cover, and hold on.’

One of the tour’s most intriguing features is the earthquake simulator, offering attendees a unique opportunity to experience simulated shaking intensity akin to that of a magnitude 7.0 earthquake. 

This hands-on experience aims to increase public awareness of the potential impact of a major earthquake and underscores the critical importance of being well-prepared.

As California continues to grapple with the ever-present threat of earthquakes, initiatives like the statewide tour serve as a proactive step toward equipping the public with the knowledge and tools they need to respond effectively in the event of a seismic emergency. 

By engaging communities across the state, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services is working diligently to bolster disaster preparedness and ensure the safety of its residents in the face of nature’s unpredictability.

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