The Congressional Commission on the United States’ Strategic Posture highlights the urgent call to enhance the nation’s military modernization.
In a recent report, the bipartisan panel comprising six Democrats and six Republicans underscored the criticality of upgrading both conventional and nuclear forces to effectively deal with potential simultaneous conflicts with China and Russia.
Rising Nuclear Powers
Describing the present global circumstances as markedly distinct from past eras, the commission stressed that the threat landscape has evolved dramatically, necessitating a reevaluation of the nation’s strategic posture. They highlighted the emergence of China and Russia as formidable nuclear peer adversaries, each with aspirations to challenge the international status quo through force if necessary.
While acknowledging that the risk of a major nuclear conflict is relatively low, the commission emphasized the escalating risk of military engagements with either or both Russia and China, elevating the possibility of nuclear usage, potentially against the US homeland.
The advancements in air and missile defense capabilities demonstrated by these nations, coupled with the projection that China could possess 1,500 nuclear warheads by 2035, were identified as alarming factors.
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Strengthening National Security

The report presented a series of recommendations to fortify the nation’s defenses. It called for the full and immediate execution of the nuclear weapons modernization program initiated in 2010, encompassing warheads, nuclear delivery systems, and command and control communications.
Additionally, deploying more tactical nuclear weapons, ramping up production of stealth bombers and nuclear submarines, and harnessing emerging technologies like hypersonics and artificial intelligence were suggested.
The report emphasized the importance of enhancing conventional forces, highlighting the significant deterioration in the global security scenario since the last major review in 2009.
The urgency of taking decisive steps was underscored, emphasizing that action is needed now to address the unmistakable challenges faced by the United States in this evolving and complex geopolitical landscape.
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