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New York Considers Rolling Back Marijuana Legalization in Some Areas

In New York, marijuana enthusiasts may soon encounter restrictions on where they can engage in their preferred pastime.

On September 13th, New York State Assemblymember Phillip Steck (D) introduced legislation to prohibit the use of cannabis within thirty feet of a child or within thirty feet of any location where children reside, attend recreational or educational activities, or attend school. 

New York Legislation Aims to Ban Marijuana Near Minors

The proposed legislation would significantly adjust the state’s existing marijuana laws.

Under this legislation, it would be illegal for New Yorkers to smoke or vape marijuana within a 30-foot radius of any location where minors may be present, even if walls, closed doors, or floors within a building separate them. 

This means that smoking or vaping marijuana could become unlawful in various areas of New York, including private residences if there is a chance of minors being nearby. 

Notably, tobacco consumers would not be affected by this amendment proposal.

If the state legislature passes the bill and Governor Kathy Hochul signs it into law, there will be a 90-day waiting period before law enforcement can commence arrests.

Those discovered breaking the law for the first time could face a fine of $25 or up to 20 hours of community service. 

As a class B misdemeanor, a second-time offender may face up to 90 days in imprisonment.

This legislation is a response to concerns expressed by some public members regarding the pervasive odor of burning marijuana and the potential second-hand effects of its vapor, particularly since the legalization of cannabis for recreational use.

Read more: Marijuana Shop Proprietor Found Guilty Of Federal Tax Evasion And Obstruction Of Justice Via Dual Accounting


Challenges for New York’s Legal Cannabis Industry

In New York, marijuana enthusiasts may soon encounter restrictions on where they can engage in their preferred pastime.

The implementation of legal recreational cannabis in New York has been beset by obstacles, including regulatory and legal delays, which have contributed to the persistence of a thriving black market. 

To resolve these issues, New Paltz has recently approved a ‘grower’s market,’ allowing local cannabis vendors to sell their products legally in a designated parking lot. 

This decision provided a welcome respite for producers who had accumulated substantial quantities of products with limited options for legal distribution.

Although numerous dispensaries have been proposed for the Hudson Valley, the industry’s future remains ambiguous. 

A court order in August did pave the way for a small number of marijuana stores in the Mid-Hudson Valley

However, many of the proposed dispensaries in the region are still embroiled in legal battles, leaving the future of the cannabis industry in New York uncertain.

As discussions regarding this proposed legislation continue, it raises critical issues regarding the balance between personal freedom and public concerns regarding the use of marijuana in New York.

Read more: 17 Arrested And 7 Eastern Kern Marijuana Shops Shut Down By Local Agencies

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