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Vice President Harris Criticizes North Korea-Russia Military Alliance as a ‘Significant Error

The Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, has warned sternly against the possibility of North Korea providing Russia with military support for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. 

During an interview with CBS News, while attending an ASEAN summit in Jakarta, Indonesia, Harris characterized such a move as a ‘huge mistake’ that would demonstrate Russia’s desperation and lead to increased isolation for both countries.

Ukraine Crisis: Risks in Russia-North Korea Weapons Deal

Harris highlighted the gravity of the situation by stating, “I believe it would be a catastrophic error. The notion that they would provide ammunition for this would be a grave error. I am also convinced this will further isolate Russia and North Korea.”

US officials have recently issued warnings regarding the active advancement of weapons negotiations between Russia and North Korea. 

Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea, is rumored to plan a trip to Russia this month to meet with Vladimir Putin and discuss potential weapon supplies for Moscow’s war efforts in Ukraine.

Harris pointed out the apparent desperation within the Russian leadership, citing their unexpected and protracted involvement in the Ukrainian conflict. 

She noted that early forecasts of a rapid resolution had proven to be incorrect, and the Ukrainians continued to resist.

Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser for the White House, reiterated Harris’s concerns and cautioned Kim Jong Un that North Korea would face consequences if it continued to supply Russia with weapons for use in Ukraine.

In addition, Harris reiterated her concerns at the ASEAN summit in Indonesia, emphasizing that a partnership between Russia and North Korea would isolate both nations.

Read more: US Supplies Ukraine With Ammunition Capable Of Defeating Russian Tanks And Igniting Within

Growing Security Concerns in Russia-North Korea Partnership Amid Sanctions and Talks

The Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, has warned sternly against the possibility of North Korea providing Russia with military support for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Last month, the United States imposed sanctions on entities believed to be involved in arms transactions between North Korea and Russia, indicating its commitment to countering such collaborations.

Sydney Seiler, a retired North Korean National Intelligence Officer, discussed Kim Jong Un’s possible motivations for this collaboration. 

He suggested that Kim may perceive short-term benefits from this alliance, but there are concerns that Russia may substantially enhance North Korea’s military capabilities.

Due to international sanctions and Moscow’s stated aim of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, Russia’s support for North Korea has traditionally been constrained. 

However, the situation’s evolution raises concerns about the extent to which these constraints will continue to apply.

According to Seiler, as the country emerges from the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, North Korea may be seeking various resources, including military equipment and food supplies.

The prospective partnership between Russia and North Korea has raised significant global security concerns, concluding this paragraph. 

As negotiations on armament continue, the international community closely monitors the situation out of respect for heightened tensions and their potential impact on the Ukraine conflict.

Read more: US Issues Warning To North Korea Over Weapon Sales To Russia Amid Ukraine Conflict

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