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Florida Neo-Nazis’ March Marred by Offensive Shouting and Slurs, Videos Show

Saturday, members of white supremacist and antisemitic hate groups marched outside of Orlando, Florida, shouting obscenities, displaying the Nazi salute, and chanting “Heil Hitler” and “white power.”

Neo-Nazis can be heard exclaiming, “We are everywhere!” in a video shared by former Florida House of Representatives member Anna V. Eskamani. Later in the footage, they yelled “Heil Hitler” while conducting a Nazi salute.

Neo-Nazis March in Orlando, Spreading Bigotry and Fear

The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism issued a warning days before the march. Two extremist groups, the Goyim Defense League (GDL) and Blood Tribe (BT), are planning to gather in Florida in September 2023 for a joint, public demonstration(s) they are calling the ‘March of the Redshirts,'” the center said in an email sent to the community Thursday.

The Anti-Defamation League describes the Goyim Defense League as a loose network of individuals connected by their virulent antisemitism” whose overarching goal is to expel Jews from America.

Blood Tribe, led by white supremacist Christopher Pohlhaus, is described by the organization as a growing neo-Nazi group that claims to have chapters across the United States and Canada.

The ADL writes, “Blood Tribe presents itself as a hardline white supremacist organization and rejects white supremacists who call for softer ‘optics.'”

Ford Fischer of News2Share captured footage of the groups chanting, “Jews will not replace us!” and “Jews get the rope.”

It appeared that Pohlhaus led portions of the march. When Pohlhaus shouted, “Heil the Führer!” others responded, “Heil Hitler!”

Pohlhaus told reporters, “All we have to do is ignite a fire. We are the fuel. Once the fire is lit, we fan it into a blaze and set the remainder of our brothers ablaze.”

When queried by another reporter why they were marching, a participant replied, “White power.”

Individually, some marchers conveyed their distaste for Donald Trump and their preference for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

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Order of the Black Sun Targets Pride Flag at Disney World

Saturday, members of white supremacist and antisemitic hate groups marched outside of Orlando, Florida, shouting obscenities, displaying the Nazi salute, and chanting “Heil Hitler” and “white power.”

The crowd began to chant faggot, faggot at right-wing activist Laura Loomer when she appeared at the rally recording Neo-Nazis with her mobile phone. 

Loomer explained that she was at the rally because she was nearby having her hair cut.

“We’re not voting for Trump, Laura!” exclaimed a protester. “We will not vote for the right! It is a kike wing.

Another marcher then yelled, “We’re all DeSantis supporters!”

Before the neo-Nazis congregated in Florida, News2Share reported on a minor rally outside Disney World in which approximately ten “Order of the Black Sun” members tore down a rainbow pride flag near the park’s entrance.

One participant in the march bore a Ron DeSantis 2024 flag. Another displayed a sign reading, “Did you thank Hitler today?”

One group member near Disney stated, about the former president, “He’s a coward. He failed to carry out any of his pledged actions. And if you vote for him again and he is elected, he will do nothing. He wed all of his children to Jews.”

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