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Janet Yellen Unveils Ambitious Plan: Biden Aims to Slash Deficit by $2.6 Trillion with Paperless IRS

President Joe Biden has announced a daring plan to cut the deficit by $2.6 trillion in a ground-breaking initiative to address the growing U.S. deficit.

The centerpiece of this ambitious proposal is to transform the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) into a paperless entity. U.S. Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, provided crucial insights into the plan, shedding light on the potential benefits and challenges of this sweeping digital overhaul.

Secretary Yellen’s Press Briefing

During a press briefing, Secretary Yellen explained that the traditional paper-based system used by the IRS has been riddled with inefficiencies and loopholes, leading to significant revenue losses for the government. By transitioning to a fully electronic system, the IRS aims to modernize tax collection, enhance accuracy, and minimize opportunities for tax evasion.

One of the primary advantages of the paperless system is its potential to streamline tax reporting and compliance. Taxpayers will benefit from an easier and more user-friendly process, enabling them to file their returns electronically, reducing the likelihood of errors, and receiving refunds faster. This move is expected to encourage greater taxpayer participation and boost overall tax collection.

Moreover, a digital-first approach can significantly bolster the IRS’s ability to track tax activities and identify non-compliance. Advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence can be leveraged to detect patterns indicative of tax fraud or evasion, ensuring that individuals and corporations pay their fair share.

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Bipartisan Support for Deficit Reduction

President Joe Biden has announced a daring plan to cut the deficit by $2.6 trillion in a ground-breaking initiative to address the growing U.S. deficit.


Secretary Yellen emphasized that the shift to a paperless IRS would not only generate substantial revenue but also result in significant cost savings for the government. The reduction in administrative overhead, paper-related expenses, and personnel costs would free up resources to be directed toward other critical areas, such as infrastructure, education, and healthcare.

Despite the numerous advantages, the transition to a paperless IRS is not without challenges. Concerns about data security and privacy have been raised, with Secretary Yellen affirming that stringent measures would be implemented to safeguard taxpayer information from cyber threats.

The Biden administration intends to work closely with Congress to enact legislation that supports the transformation of the IRS into a technologically advanced and efficient agency. Secretary Yellen expressed confidence that with bipartisan support, the deficit reduction plan can be successfully executed, setting the stage for a stronger, more resilient economy.

In conclusion, President Biden’s visionary plan to reduce the deficit by $2.6 trillion through the paperless transformation of the IRS represents a significant step toward a more sustainable and prosperous financial future for the United States. 

The proposal not only promises to revolutionize tax collection but also showcases the administration’s commitment to harnessing technology for the greater good of the nation.

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