Texas’s energy demand has shattered records as the state bakes beneath an oppressive heat wave this summer and residents crank up their air conditioners. However, the power has remained on, and costs haven’t increased much.
According to a study of state data by Texas energy expert Doug Lewin, renewable energy was supplying 30 to 40% of the power the state needed on Wednesday as temperatures rose into the triple digits.
Renewables Shine Amid Texas Heat Wave
In addition, non-fossil fuel power sources, such as nuclear and renewable energy, accounted for close to 50% of the energy required during the evening peak on June 28 and 29, according to data from the federal Energy Information Administration, as the state struggled to cope with an early June heatwave.
Together, wind and sun have proved effective, according to Webber. When the sun is shining brightly, solar has been producing a lot of energy, and wind has been working well at night.
According to Texas energy expert Doug Lewin, CEO of consulting company Stoic Energy, renewables have been a lifeline for the Texas system as some older thermal units that run on coal, natural gas, and nuclear have gone offline over the summer.
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Texas on Track for Massive Solar Growth

Despite some anti-renewable legislation being introduced in the Texas legislature this year, the state has been rapidly expanding its use of renewables, particularly solar.
According to the US Energy Information Administration, Texas will construct 7.7 gigawatts of utility-scale solar power this year alone, making it the state with the highest utility-scale solar capacity in 2023.
By the end of 2025, the state is anticipated to install an additional 24.8 gigawatts of solar power, according to the federal energy agency. In order to store wind and solar energy for use when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing, the state is also quickly developing battery storage.
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